Please note that this is not an official document. It is advisable to consult with your advisor and ensure that it meets your specific requirements. Nonetheless, I am sharing it in the hope that it might be of assistance to someone.
This is a primary version (NON Official) template for the PFE (Projet de Fin d'Etudes) report that follows the guidelines and requirements of the university (I haven't contacted the school though, probably needs further treatments and modification). The template is based on LaTeX, a document preparation system that allows for high-quality typesetting and formatting. The template includes the main chapters found in a report, note that every chapter is included in a directory for organizational reasons. The template is designed to help students write their PFE report in a clear, concise and professional manner.
2022 - v.01
Taken from Doctoral Plan Template PSL ETHZ (01.2023) and slightly changed
Please check the ETH Internal Recommended Template to ensure you have all topics covered
Lesvoorbereidingsformulier voor vakdidactiek fysica binnen de Educatieve master Wetenschappen & Technologie aan de KU Leuven.
Gebaseerd op Lesvoorbereidingsformulier vakdidactiek informatica KU Leuven door Jesse Hoobergs