LaTeX templates and examples — Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

This template will get you started with writing your report or thesis and can also be used to create slides. This template is too large to compile with Overleaf’s free plan. For possible workarounds, read the last paragraph of section A.1.4. It contains: a title page for VUB, BRUFACE and ULB a project plan a jury (for a PhD) acknowledgements an abstract in English, Dutch and French a disclosure on the use of AI a table of contents, list of figures, tables and listings a nomenclature the typical chapters appendices with useful information on various topics your own publications (for a PhD) a bibliography a demo bibliography with common entry types a to-do list In the appendices, you will find useful information about: LaTeX and this template formatting of figures, tables, equations, slides, Python generated output and source code useful packages and commands examples of different types of figures and plots mathematical symbols and Greek symbols example of a table in appendix example of an included PDF file

A template for writing a Bachelor or Master thesis with the title page style of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, ULB and Bruface. Please report bugs at

Page de garde pour le travail préparatoire au mémoire de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, Master en Sciences et Technologie de l'Information et de la Communication

Canvas pour des rapports de la Haute Ecole libre de Bruxelles. Canvas à destination des élèves de la section Informatique.

Modèle Latex pour vos travaux M-STICS (sur base du modèle créé pour Polytechnique)

Control system design project template

Template for a Master Thesis in the Master in CyberSecurity

Canvas pour des rapports de l'université libre de Bruxelles. Canvas à destination des élèves de l'école Polytechnique de Bruxelles.

Unofficial Beamer Template of ULB. Feel free to use, modify, custom, share. If any remark or question please contact me at Enjoy !
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