LaTeX templates and examples — University of Illinois

University of Illinois Electrical and Computer Engineering Thesis Template

The files included here appear to be from 2005. I am trying to track down the 2007 and 2009 files. We have had many requests for thesis formats already set up in TeX. None of the files are guaranteed, but they have worked successfully for previous graduates. The Graduate College changes thesis formatting requirements from time to time; as far as we know, these files conform to Fall 2009 requirements. However, be sure to consult the current version of the Graduate College Handbook. The 2009 version of the template was prepared by a student who is himself in the process of writing his phd thesis and graduating. This template has thus not been validated in any way by the graduate college. There is still no indication that a thesis prepared with this template has been received and accepted by the graduate college. The student who wrote this package can make no guarantee that this template will comply to the current rules of the graduate college. This student is also busy, so support may be hit or miss until he graduates. The 2007 version of the template was prepared by Tim Head, based on prior templates by Peter Czoschke and David Hull. uiucthesis is a LaTeX package for formatting theses in the format required by the University of Illinois, effective Fall 2007.

Cover Letter template utilizing University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign characteristics, originally created by Matthew J. Miller. Note: This example uses the newlfm package. However, at the time of moving this to Overleaf, newlfm had become incompatible with the updated fancyhdr package: moving this example to Overleaf required a fix which has been applied to the LaTeX code of this project.
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