A research poster template for members of the University of Warwick. Incorporates the master logo header from the official abstract poster template (from the previous brand iteration) and defines and uses the official brand colours (from the current brand iteration). For up-to-date brand information check https://warwick.ac.uk/about/brand
Modelo de Trabalho de conclusão de curso para o IFRN Campus João Câmara; Adaptado do template do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas, disponível na galeria do Overleaf;
This is a beamer presentation template for Leipzig University. This project is a personal initiative, under open-source code. There is no connection with the University officials yet. For any comments and suggestions please contact to badalmondal.chembgc@gmail.com . The project is also available in my GitHub (https://github.com/bmondal94/Leipzig-Beamer-Template). The author would like to thank Victor Jüttner from Leipzig University for sharing his contribution to the project.
Unofficial Yonsei Thesis/Dissertation Template
I will not be responsible for any consequences and losses caused by the use of this template.
Use XeLaTeX instead of pdfLaTex or LuaLaTeX!
source: https://github.com/appleparan/yonsei-thesis
I heard that more people than I expected have been using it. Thank you to those who have used it even though the template is unofficial. Also, I fixed some bugs of the template. If you have any issues, please report them in the GitHub issue above.
Classe LaTeX para preparação de trabalhos acadêmicos do Ifes em conformidade com as normas estabelecidas no documento “Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Acadêmicos e Científicos: Documento Impresso e/ou Digital”, 8ª edição -- nov/2017.
A versão mais atual desta classe pode ser encontrada em https://github.com/quigonjeff/ifes8
Template for presentations from the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). Users who like the template can copy or download this project. This project is also found in a repository on https://github.com/yaoshanliang/XJTLU-Beamer-Template.