LaTeX templates and examples — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Algorithm Lab Template

Lab Report Template for CBE 3730 / 3731 / 3732 Unit Operations at The Oho State University

RM template

We observe three differents algorithms, GRASP, Tabu Search best and Tabu Search first, for the maximum diversity problem and we get the best of those.

A template for general documents like technical reports, articles etc.

Hadoop versus Spark

The following project is in the field of combinatorics. It is a broad summary of the probabilistic method. Basic definitions and theorems, needed for the proper use of the probabilistic method, are introduced. Simple examples are provided in order to illustrate the theory in practice and to introduce the method itself. The project focuses on competitive problems from major national and international competitions, in whose solutions could be used probabilistic method, contributing to their briefness. One of our main aims is demonstrating the broad application of the probabilistic method not only in some theoretical fields of mathematics, but also in competitive problems. The problems in the abstract are with increased difficulty and we believe, they can serve as a preparation for mathematical olympiads and competititons.

In deze handleiding worden twee technieken beschreven voor visuele cryptografie. Bij de eerste techniek worden twee transparanten met schijnbaar willekeurige patronen van zwarte blokjes over elkaar geschoven om een geheime afbeelding tevoorschijn te laten komen. De tweede techniek gebruikt twee afbeeldingen in grijstinten die transparant over elkaar geschoven worden om een geheime afbeelding op te roepen. De enige voorkennis die nodig is om deze technieken te kunnen uitvoeren, is het gebruik van een rekenblad (hier: Excel) en van een fotobewerkingsprogramma.

Relatório lab 7,8,9
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