LaTeX templates and examples — Math

This template can be used for typesetting open problems for the AGA workshop. Create a write-up of your open problem in the aga-yourname.tex file. Compiling the main tex-file will show you exactly how the end result will look in a booklet. The template by default shows a number of useful tools to typeset an open problem, such as figures, references to existing work, and clearly annotated definitions, theorems, lemmata, etc.

A LaTeX template for typing exams using exam package.

généralités sur les fonctions exercices

A homework template for Mathematical Tools for Computer Science (CPSC 202), an undergraduate course at Yale University. This template is designed to allow students to print out solutions in multiple parts, which are submitted separately to individual graders. It may also serve as an introductory template for LaTeX beginners.

Template for CS310-002 Discrete Computational Structures at the UofR

Quiz-exam template

Just another Factor Analysis derivation. Refer to Stanford Lecture Notes CS229.

Homework 2 for Discrete Math at CU Boulder in Summer 2019

This is a cheatsheet made for the final exam of Berkeley Physics 137B. It mainly covers chapters from Variational Method to the end (except for Adiabetic Approximation).
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