LaTeX templates and examples — Conference Paper

Template for the conference MOBISPC 2024 and related workshops

Template for abstract submissions to ICORS meets DSSV 2024, held at George Mason University, Virginia, USA from July 29–August 1, 2024.

Modelo Artigo VII Colóquio de Matemática da Região Centro-Oeste

Template of the congress MME&HB and SMUQ.

Template for submitting Extended Abstracts to the 24th Central European Conference on Cryptology

Template em LaTeX para o 4o Congresso Brasileiro de Fluidodinâmica Computacional (CBCFD), a ocorrer em Vitória, ES, de 18 a 20 de setembro de 2024.

Template for submitting an abstract to the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS) 2024 Exeter - London

This LaTeX template should be used for the submission of full papers, extended abstracts, documentations of music, artworks, demos, installations, workshops etc. A Word template and further information will be provided on the ICAD2024 website:

This template is designed for contributions to the "2nd International Workshop on Trends in Digital Identity" (TDI 2024), by making necessary modifications to the existing CEURART template.
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