Rapport pour TIPE 2017
Exemple de rapport pour les TIPE (Travaux d'Initiative Personnelle Encadrés) pour les concours d'entrée aux écoles d'ingénieurs à partir de la session 2017.
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Jean-Julien Fleck
Conservative Wasserstein Training for Pose Estimation
Paper presented at ICCV 2019.
This paper targets the task with discrete and periodic
class labels (e.g., pose/orientation estimation) in the context of deep learning. The commonly used cross-entropy or
regression loss is not well matched to this problem as they
ignore the periodic nature of the labels and the class similarity, or assume labels are continuous value. We propose to
incorporate inter-class correlations in a Wasserstein training framework by pre-defining (i.e., using arc length of a
circle) or adaptively learning the ground metric. We extend
the ground metric as a linear, convex or concave increasing
function w.r.t. arc length from an optimization perspective.
We also propose to construct the conservative target labels
which model the inlier and outlier noises using a wrapped
unimodal-uniform mixture distribution. Unlike the one-hot
setting, the conservative label makes the computation of
Wasserstein distance more challenging. We systematically
conclude the practical closed-form solution of Wasserstein
distance for pose data with either one-hot or conservative
target label. We evaluate our method on head, body, vehicle and 3D object pose benchmarks with exhaustive ablation studies. The Wasserstein loss obtaining superior performance over the current methods, especially using convex mapping function for ground metric, conservative label,
and closed-form solution.
Xiaofeng Liu, Yang Zou, Tong Che, Peng Ding, Ping Jia, Jane You, B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar
MCOT pour TIPE 2017
Exemple de MCOT pour les TIPE (Travaux d'Initiative Personnelle Encadrés) pour les concours d'entrée aux écoles d'ingénieurs à partir de la session 2017. L'idée est de laisser LaTeX gérer la bibliographie en la complétant au passage via l'utilisation de pour les recherches et la récupération des entrée BibTeX comme décrit dans cette vidéo.
Jean-Julien Fleck
Transport humanitaire et la logistique de crise : comparaison de deux méthodes de calcul de tournées de véhicules
Cet article étudie deux méthodes utilisées dans le cadre du transport humanitaire en cas de crise (désastre, épidémie...). Le Covering Tour Problem se focalise sur l'équité de distribution des vivres, alors que le Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem se concentre sur l'urgence de la distribution. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche mélangeant ces deux approches pour former une solution à la fois équitable et rapide. Ce article a été rédigé dans le cadre du TER 2014-2015.
Dimitry Berardi, Abdelwahab Heba, Boris Terooatea, Maël Valais
Challenges for Measuring Multichip LED Light Engines for Interior Lighting Applications
As LED systems have been evolving today in a
great number of niche applications including
automotive lighting, water purification, and skin
imaging etc., extensive studies of scientists and
engineers in the field have been constantly
looking for ways to reduce generated heat loads
and maximize the light output to reach the highest
efficiency ratios. While the current systems
developed over the last years achieved to reach
even a 40% LED light efficiency, a higher portion
of the electrical input energy of LEDs is still
produced as heat and it hinders their development
potential. In addition, the compact size of the LED
systems poses some challenges to the reliable
characterization of their performance at low
uncertainties. Especially, the performance
considerations associated with thermal loads over
a limited size of LED chips require the effective
characterization of these systems for various
operational conditions. One of the techniques
used for this purpose is that an LED package is
characterized by a decrease in forward voltage
with increasing junction temperature. As LEDs are
operated at higher junction temperatures, the
amount and quality of the light deteriorates
significantly, and the less efficient use of the LEDs
results in additional operating costs and reduced
lifetime of LEDs. In fact, accurate identification of
thermal behavior of LED packages is one of the
essential tasks towards improving the design of
LED systems. If thermal characterization of LEDs
is accurately done, performance parameters of
LED packages are more reliably optimized to yield
the highest possible performance ratios. Thus,
this study focused on the design and
manufacturing of a thermally improved and fully
operational rapid temperature controllable
chamber in which calibration and test phases of
junction temperature measurements are
sensitively conducted under a low uncertainty.
Mete Muslu
GaN-Substrate LEDs: Introduction nPola
Seoul Semiconductor’s patented nPola
technology increases brightness levels 5 times
over existing LEDs. This technology took more
than 10 years to develop and is set to
revolutionise the LED lighting industry. nPola
stands for Numerous polarities and is related to
the substrate in which the LED is grown. nPola is
grown on a GaN (Gallium nitride) substrate,
whereas conventional LEDs use Sapphire or
Silicone substrate in which most of the energy is
converted to heat instead of light due to a defect
caused by lattice mismatch. nPola, however, does
not have the lattice mismatch issue like
conventional LEDs because the GaN epitaxy has
the same crystalline structure as the GaN growth
substrate. Furthermore, nPola technology
involves the utilization of the one of the nPola
non-polar planes in the GaN crystal, either the
a-plane or m-plane, whereas traditional LEDs
currently utilize the polar c-plane GaN epitaxy on
Sapphire or Silicon. nPola LEDs offer reduced
electrical resistance, increased electrical
efficiency, reduction in colour shift with varying
operating current and smaller device size.
With nPola, Seoul Semiconductor has already
improved the lumen density of LEDs by 5 times
over the conventional LEDs based on equivalent
die surface area and it expects to further improve
this margin to 10 times in future.
JaeHon, Kim