Welcome to the UNOFFICIAL Beamer template designed for Tongji University students. This template has been created to provide a visually appealing and professional format for your presentation needs.
It's important to note that this template is not an official university document, nor is it endorsed by Tongji University. However, we have done our best to create a template that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
You can access this template from our dedicated GitHub repository at https://github.com/TJ-CSCCG/Tongji-Beamer. We would appreciate it if you could follow us and give us a star on the repository to show your support for our work.
Thank you for considering our template, and we hope you find it useful for your academic presentations.
This template is dedicated to the Loyola University Chicago Community. For issues or contributions visit https://github.com/mkahveci/loyola-beamer-template.
A fork of Gemini beamer poster theme with the University's core colour palette. Includes the University of Cambridge's logo and shield.
See https://github.com/anishathalye/gemini for the original.