This article presents the activities carried out in the compulsory stage
for the completion of the Technical Course in Integrated Computing IFRS -
Campus Ibirubá . These are focused on software development area, with a brief
involvement in the hardware area.
O objetivo do experimento foi entender o princípio de funcionamento de um voltímetro, amperímetro, gerador de funções e osciloscópio digital, familiarizar-se com os principais controladores e ajustes dos instrumentos de bancada, e efetuar medições diversas, que serão utilizadas durante o semestre letivo.
With the emergence of systems archiving and distribution of PACS medical imaging, also emerged the need to store those images off-site environment, this project aims to study this need, trying to offer a service within an information infrastructure that can integrate the environment site with a remote environment, a transparent and heterogeneous, taking account of the needs of users of teleradiology.
Keywords: PACS, teleradiology, Medical Imaging, Archiving.
Dicas para a preparação de listas de exercícios da disciplina MAC0239 (Introdução à Lógica e Verificação de Programas) no IME-USP.
Tips for preparing exercises for MAC0239 (Introduction to Logic and Program Verification) at IME-USP.
An algorithm is a scheme for solving a problem. Can be implemented with any sequence of values or objects that have an infinite logic that is, anything that can provide a logical sequence.
Esse templante contempla a formatação exigida pelo Regulamento Complementar das Atividades do Projeto Final de Curso dos cursos de graduação do Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica campus Divinópolis do CEFET-MG.