Create a timetable for one week. You can choose the number of days, starting and ending of time of the days. Then You can add event displayed with a box at the correct position and length. This timetable is useful when the events have various starting and duration time.
Weekly Timetable Calendar
LaTeX Template
Version 1.1 (4/6/13)
This template has been downloaded from:
Original calendar style author:
Evan Sultanik
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
This template allows you to build your class schedule, as a student or as a teacher (teaching schedule). All you need to enter per class is [name], [its day of the week] , [time it starts], [how long it is], [a color] and [a class link]. Finally enter the time your earliest class starts and the template does the rest. All colors are adjustable. It is really simple and elegant.