LaTeX thesis template for Central South University 中南大学LaTeX论文模板
A beamer template for making slides for Communication University of Zhejiang.
Dalian Maritime University Bachelor Thesis Template 大连海事大学数学系本科生毕业论文 LATEX 模版 Copyright © Zhao TY & Liu YF 2018 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
Thesis template for Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Learnt a lot from thuthesis.
Clean BUAA thesis template. Not original, modified from other people's work, which can be found at https://github.com/BHOSC/BUAAthesis
Based on ZLCao's template
A multilingual example document with Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek and Thai, using XeLaTeX + fontspec + babel.
武汉大学博士论文 LaTeX 模板: http://aff.whu.edu.cn/huangzh/
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