overleaf skabelonsgalleriLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Bachelor Thesis template for the Science Faculty at the National Autonomous Faculty of Mexico (UNAM). Macros titles are in spanish but all instructions to customize it are in english

An Ohio State Univ. poster template with OSU theme

Based upon the earlier template by Giampiero Salvi. Updated 2021-02-12

LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 国科大学位论文 LaTeX 模板

A LaTeX template for Master / Ph.D. Thesis written at The University of Hong Kong. Source code: https://github.com/monaen/HKU-Thesis-Template

Bruk denne malen til å bli bedre kjent med noen av funksjonene tilgjengelig i LaTeX og tilpass den deretter slik du selv ønsker! Use this template to learn more about the features available in LaTeX and further customize it to your own preferences! - IMT NTNU

Template for theses written in the HyQu group at ETH, now with added HyQu logo

Luleå University of Technology - Unofficial Template! En snygg mall där strukturen är korrekt, avsnitten skrivs i egna filer, och flera bra packages är insatta. (Läs -> Essential/Readme.tex)

Template Sorbonne Universite
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