overleaf skabelonsgalleriLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Template for paper submissions to EACL 2021. Note from Overleaf: SyncTeX will not work correctly with this template (as well as other templates based on similar underlying code, eg CVPR, EMNLP, etc) when the line numbers are active. To make SyncTeX function while authoring your manuscript, either on Overleaf or in your own LaTeX installation, the line numbers have to be turned off by uncommenting \aclfinalcopy.

ICLS template

This is adapted from the Cambridge template created by Krishna Kumar, so all credit to him. See license https://github.com/kks32/phd-thesis-template/blob/master/LICENSE

This is a sample template for authoring APA7 manuscripts with apa7.cls. The sample code is distributed on CTAN.

HITSZThesis is a dissertation LaTeX template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations. Current version is 3.2.7, updated on 2023/4/14. Documentation: hitszthesis.pdf Examples: hitszthesis-bachelor.pdf, hitszthesis-master.pdf, hitszthesis-doctor.pdf CTAN: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/hitszthesis GitHub: https://github.com/YangLaTeX/hitszthesis

THE IVT working template updated for TRB 2021

Beijing Institute of Technology Proposal Report for Bachelor Graduation Thesis. Source available at: https://github.com/spencerwooo/BIThesis

Project/Dissertation or Report template to be used by MCyber students

Bachelor and Master thesis template for Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics. The template supports producing both Hungarian and English theses.
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