overleaf skabelonsgalleriLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Vorlage für eine Hausarbeit, deren Formatierung den Vorgaben unter https://www.philosophie.uni-freiburg.de/studium/lehre/document.pdf entspricht. Geeignet für alle Hausarbeiten am Philosophischen Seminar der Universität Freiburg. Verständlich kommentiert und frei ausbaubar!

A template for mubeamer, a beamer theme for the typesetting of presentations at the Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic).

Template for thesis projects at TECO.

Template for a Master Thesis in the Master in CyberSecurity

tikzposter template for University of Central Florida

The Malardalen University Thesis Template for Master of Science in Engineering: Robotics. While used in the students thesis work it is also encouraged to use this template in several courses to familiarize with it. Update 2020-05-04: Class structure added to minimize fault within the template Update 2020-10-09: Added multiple (up to 4) authors in the class file, updated bibliography settings Update 2022-01-14: Changed logo

Оформлення диплома українською згідно зі стандартами для КЯФ КНУ.

A template for NCUT students

ModernFancyCV is a resume template for 2020 that aims to fulfill and surpass the expectations of any HR. All important information fits on a single page while maintaining clarity. It is aimed primarily at recent college grads, but everyone else can simply swap the "Education" and "Experience" sections and is ready to go. Of course I suggest you swap out the "Sports Teams" in the Bubble-graphic for something more skills-oriented like "Programming Languages" or "Software". It´s totally up to you. Unfortunately, poor Doug can't code...
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