Beautiful ornaments with pst-vectorian
Use PSTricks to draw ornaments (a substantial repertoire of ornaments is provided). See the package documentation for a list of all the ornaments.
LianTze Lim (examples from the package documentation)
Psfrag Example
Use the psfrag package to replace strings in EPS images, so that they are typeset with the same body font as your LaTeX document. Note that your project needs to be compiled with the LaTeX dvipdf engine. To configure this, after creating a new project, click on the Overleaf menu icon above the file list panel, and make sure the "Compiler" setting is set to "LaTeX". (The sample image is taken from the psfrag package.)
LianTze Lim
Using PSTricks with pdflatex on Overleaf
PSTricks drawings can't be compiled under pdflatex and lualatex (Frequently done errors #5). Instead, compilation with XeLaTeX is preferred if you need to use .jpg/.png/.pdf images in your project.
But if you absolutely need to compile with pdflatex, this example demonstrates how to use PStricks with pdflatex using auto-pst-pdf on Overleaf (But you still can't use .jpg/.png/.pdf images within your PSTricks drawings).
MWE: Diluição da rede
Exemplo de representação da diluição da rede quadrada com o pacote pstricks.
Guilherme Wiener
chemische Reaktionsgleichung (Redoxprozesse/Teilgleichungen)
Mit dieser Anleitung können chemische Reaktionsgleichungen produziert werden.
Aus didaktischen Gründen wird u.a. das Package "PSTricks" verwendet, um Pfeile für die Verdeutlichung der Elektronenwandung umzusetzen.
Die Kommandos \anion oder \kation erleichtern außerdem das Einbinden von chemischen Formeln im Fließtext ohne den Code unübersichtlich zu machen.
$\anion{-II}{O}{}{2}$ produziert das Oxid-Anion mit der Oxidationszahl 2...
Achtung: mit "LaTeX dvipdf" kompilieren, sonst werden utf8-Warnungen ausgegeben (Problem bekannt...)
Dr. Markus Woski