LaTeX templates and examples — Astronomy & Astrophysics

Harvard University PhD Thesis Template Default settings for Department of Astronomy, but customizable for any GSAS department

Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum Astronomie Hausarbeit an der Universitäts-Sternwarte München (LMU).

Unofficial PhD thesis template for astronomy at Lund University. See the README.txt file for instructions.

This is the official Leiden Observatory thesis template. It is optimised for writing a Bachelor or Master thesis in Astronomy and contains integrated custom Astronomy units. It supports a cover image, title page, fully automated nomenclature and more. The colour palette is selected around the colour of the Leiden University logo, but all logos are interchangeable. Complete instructions and examples are included in the document. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (see document).

My documentation report Objective: Explain what I did and how, so someone can continue with the investigation Important note: Chapter heading images should have a 2:1 width:height ratio, e.g. 920px width and 460px height. Note: This was produced using the Legrand Orange Book template, available here. Original author of the Legrand Orange Book template: Mathias Legrand ( with modifications by: Vel ( Original License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

This is an example paper for manuscripts for the journal Solar Physics, downloaded from the journal's support page for LaTeX authors. It contains the basic commands to write an article as well as some explanations for defining equations, figures, tables, and references.

ESO telescope proposal template adapted for Research Techniques in Astronomy (PHYS4020) at the University of Nottingham. Updated for 2023/24

The Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA) macro package is required for preparing LaTeX manuscripts. A template from
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