%preamble: style and/or packages
\author{Michele Magni}
\title{PhD research proposal}
\date{January 2023}
%colors, boxes
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% cover page
Title \\[1 cm] \vfill
PhD research proposal \\ [1 cm]\vfill
Author \\
\href{mailto:<email>}{$<$email$>$} \\[1 cm]\vfill
Month Year\\[1 cm]\vfill
1st supervisor: $<$1st supervisor$>$ \\
2nd supervisor: $<$2nd supervisor$>$ \\[1 cm]\vfill
Department of $<$Department$>$ \\
Faculty of $<$Faculty$>$ \\
%choose between bnw or rgb logo
\includegraphics[trim={0cm 1cm 2.1cm 0.5cm},clip]{../figures/UU_logo_2021_NL_RGB.jpg}
% document begins
%%table of contents
%you can start a new page anytime with \newpage
\subsubsection{An additional subsection}
The most cited paper \citep{lowry1951protein}.
You can reference a figure like this (fig.~\ref{fig:mandelbrot}). Upload your own figures in the /figures/ folder.
%figure template
\caption{A caption \citep{mandelbrot1982fractal} or non-superscripted reference [\citen{mandelbrot1982fractal}]}
\subsection{State of the art}
%make a list
First item;
Second item;
Third item.
\subsection{Knowledge gaps}
First item;
Second item;
Third item.
%Add extra space
%Objective and research questions
\section{Objective and research questions}
\begin{tcolorbox}[minipage,colback=Goldenrod,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt]
\textbf{An overarching objective.}
\textbf{RQ 1.} \emph{First research question?}\\
\textbf{RQ 2.} \emph{Second research question?}\\
\textbf{RQ 3.} \emph{Et cetera...}\\
\subsection{Methods tackling the first research question}
\begin{tcolorbox}[minipage,colback=columbiablue,arc=10pt,outer arc=10pt]
\textbf{RQ 1.} \emph{First research question}
\noindent \textbf{a. Methodology}\\ [0.1 cm]
\textbf{i. First step}
\textbf{ii. Second step}
%example of equation
An equation (eq. \ref{eq:euler}):
\begin{equation} \label{eq:euler}
e^{ \pm i\theta } = \cos \theta \pm i\sin \theta
\textbf{iii. Third step}
\noindent \textbf{b. Novelty}\\ [0.1 cm]
\begin{tcolorbox}[minipage,colback=mossgreen,arc=10pt,outer arc=10pt]
\textbf{Paper 1. \emph{First paper}}
\noindent \textbf{c. Risks and feasibility}\\ [0.1 cm]
\noindent \textbf{d. Outcomes} \vspace*{5mm}
\textbf{Outcome 1.1.} Outcome 1.1\\
\textbf{Outcome 1.2.} Outcome 1.2.
% you can find the template for this gantt chart in /figures/gantt_template.pptx, convert it to pdf and then to png to upload it on the document
%example of a temporarily horizontal page
\caption{Gantt chart of the PhD project.}
\vspace*{1 cm}
\noindent \textbf{University - Department}\\
\noindent University address\\
Person 1 - \href{mailto:<email>}{$<$email$>$} \\ \vspace*{-5.5mm}
Person 2 – \href{mailto:<email>}{$<$email$>$} \\
\textbf{Theme 2}
Person 1 - \href{mailto:<email>}{$<$email$>$} \\ \vspace*{-5.5mm}
Person 2 – \href{mailto:<email>}{$<$email$>$} \\\\
\section{Data management plan}
% references