LaTeX templates — Russian

Шаблон отчёта для курсовой или лабораторной работы. Подробнее:

Шаблон для презентации в СПбПУ. Подробнее:

Since my research is related to multilingual dictionaries, I have the excuse of using this TikZ drawing of multilingual "thank you's" at the end of my presentations. It had the advantage/disadvantage of distracting the audience enough from raising nit-picking, asked-just-for-sake-for-asking types of questions. :-) If compiling this takes too long, the best way to use this is probably to use the result PDF directly via e.g. \includegraphics[page=1]{multiling-tq.pdf} BTW -- can you spot the two fictional languages? :-)

The article template for NLA'2018 conference. It is based on the standard llncs class (Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences) and adjusted with a style file of the conference. This Overleaf template contains two main files. One is for English papers and another for Russian ones. Switch templates via Overleaf Project menu. Conference site:
![A LaTeX template for preparing documents for the Mathematical Modeling and Boundary Value Problems Conference [Шаблон оформления доклада на конференцию ММиКЗ-2016]](
This is a LaTeX template (version from 2016 Feb. 17) for preparing documents for All-Russian Scientific Conference of the Mathematical Modeling and Boundary Value Problems [Matem. Mod. Kraev. Zadachi, Samara, Russian Federation]. It was submitted by an author writing for the 10th All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation (MMiKZ’16). The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. Author: Mikhail N. Saushkin ( License: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

A lab report template in Russian. Шаблон отчёта по лабораторным работам (Версия от 15.02.2016) предназначен для использования студентами каф. ПМиИ СамГТУ при оформлении отчетов по лабораторным работам. Для настройки пакета listigs использовался материал статьи Михаила Конника aka virens [] Copyright (c) 2016 by Mikhail Saushkin ( All rights reserved except the rights granted by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence

LaTeX template for a master's thesis in Russian, and its author's abstract. LaTeX-шаблон для русской кандидатской диссертации и её автореферата. Source on github:
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