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Template for a title page and corresponding format for a master thesis of joint degrees at UvA and VU

The National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations (OTDK) of Hungary is the most significant scientific event for Bachelor and Master students in the country, where students compete with their research papers in all field of science. It is organized in every 2 years. The conference / competition has 2 rounds: a university level and a country level (for the best papers). This class template enforces the required formatting rules for TDK theses and generates the cover and title page given on the provided metadata. The formatting rules are defined to meet the requirements for TDK theses submitted at the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics (Budapest, Hungary). This also fits the formatting requirements of the Computer Science Section of the country level round. The template supports producing both Hungarian and English theses.

This is a template for `liuthesis`, a modern class for writing a thesis for PhD, Licenciate, Master, or Bachelor (plus some more) at Linköping University (LiU) in Sweden. The version in the gallery is submitted 20230118. The latest version can always be found on GitLab. `liuthesis` is constantly being developed, so go to (https://gitlab.ida.liu.se/olale55/liuthesis) to get the latest version. The following options are recognized by the liuthesis document class - `phd` - For doctoral dissertations - `lic` - For licentiate theses - `msc` - For Masters' theses (default) - `bachelor` - For Bachelors' theses - `hu` - For the medical sciences (experimental) - `filfak` - For the Faculty of Arts and Sciences - `lith` - For LiTH (default) - `exhibitpage` - Produce an exhibit page (spikblad) and no thesis. Use this option to produce an exhibit page only for Licentiate/PhD dissertations.

Modelo de monografia de PFC - Projeto de Final de Curso de Engenharia Elétrica (COEEL), Pré-Projetos de PFC e Relatórios de Disciplinas do IFBA campus Vitória da Conquista - classe: cls-PFC-COEEL.cls - Versão: 2023.08.07 - elvio@ieee.org

This is thesis template for Xidian University for both undergraduate and graduate. before run be sure to choose XeLatex Compiler from Overleaf MENU. please read guide in "readme" folder.

This is a simple model for a mood tracker calendar in LaTeX. It implements the calendar by using pgfcalendar and defines new commands to allow for a simple user interface. Colors, legend, and date range are customizable.

Project Report Template for National Institute of Technology Rourkela.

Template für Abschluss- oder Seminararbeiten im Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Hochschule Trier

A template adapted for works written in swedish. En modifierad och översatt version av följande mall: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/chalmers-university-of-technology-master-thesis-template-2021/bvnmctrysxzj Den här LaTeX-mallen är anpassad efter HI-exjobb skrivna på Chalmers Tekniska Högskola. I den finns omslagssidorna, titelsidan, tryckortssidan samt ett exempel på strukturen av det övriga innehållet. Mallen kan enkelt ändras så att omslagen använder de färger som gäller för exjobb på Master-nivå. Det är även enkelt att justera mallen till att använda den kombinerade loggan för Chalmers och Göteborgs Universitet, vilket är lämpligt för de exjobb som görs på en delad institution, såsom CSE. Den grafik som används för omslagen på kandidatarbeten finns inte redan i mallen, men kan gå att lägga in för hand. Mer information om mallens struktur och inställningar finns att hitta i de två readme-filerna. Det finns också en motsvarande engelsk mall.
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