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CS 155 HW 9

This is jut a college classwork.

Se pretende describir el decaimiento de una partícula α encontrando los niveles de energía Eα correspondientes a los estados ligados de la partícula producto de la desintegración. Los niveles de energía y los estados ligados se encuentran mediante dos métodos de aproximación: WKB y diferencias finitas. Posteriormente se halla el tiempo de vida medio τ, se comparan los resultados con los de la literatura y se decide el mejor método de solución acorde con la literatura.

In this experiment we conducted bending tests on several different specimens of Aluminum as well as Ceramics. Using the data gathered from these tests as well as measurements we took of their primary dimensions, we calculated (for each specimen) modulus of rupture, flexure strain, Young's modulus, as well as specific strength and stiffness. These tests gave us insight into new characteristics of aluminum and ceramics that allowed us to better understand their applications in industry.

John C. Flournoy, CV http://jflournoy.gitlab.io/

Watermarking technique for the image is an efficient method for protecting copyright image, and also a huge topic in cryptography. In this paper, two spread spectrum watermarking scheme, the Convolution Image-based Model (CIM) and the Exponential Convolution Image-based Model (ECIM) are going to be formulated and discussed. The watermarking experiment result will be shown and discussed, focusing on the attack scheme, protectability, and the information encryption of the watermark. We will show that the convolution image-based model for invisible watermark is weak of protectability, but it is able to hide the information (the size of watermark must be less than the original image) and store inside the image.

The AcroTeX bundle (LPPL 1.2) contains: the web package to redefine page layout to web-friendly dimensions; the exerquiz package for defining on-line exercises and quizzes of various sorts; the eForms package for support of PDF forms; the insdljs package for inserting document-level JavaScript in LaTeX documents; the dljslib library of JavaScript functions for use with exerquiz; and the eq2db package for converting an exerquiz quiz for processing by a ASP server-side script. Note that not all features are supported on Overleaf's preview panel for now; similarly, not all features are supported on all PDF viewers. For best effect, download a copy of the the output PDF, and use Adobe Reader or Acrobat Distiller to open it.

This is a math homework template

Zarati Ichrak's CV
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