Victorian style article
Sidst opdateret
4 år siden
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
An article with victorian ornaments. To add Abstract simple remove the ""%" in Title format and Abstract section.
An article with victorian ornaments. To add Abstract simple remove the ""%" in Title format and Abstract section.
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twocolumn, twoside, english] {article}
\input{customtitlehead.tex} %head of the title page
%Titles and Authors
\Large\textsc{Author}\thanks{\href{}{} } ~\\[0ex]%First author
\large \itshape Departament, Insitute, University ~\\[0.5ex] % first author's institution
%\Large\textsc{Author2}\thanks{\href{}{} } ~\\[0ex] % Second author
%\large \itshape Departament, Institute, University ~\\[0ex] % Second author's institution
%Title format and Abstract
\pgfornament[width=15cm,color = red!30!black]{71}~\\[5ex]%
{\Huge \@title }~\\[1ex]%
\pgfornament[width=15cm, ]{89}~\\[1ex]%
%{\small \itshape Este e o resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo resumo.}
\hfill \break}%
\printbibliography%[title={Referências Bibliográficas}]%