% UCSD Mathematics Dissertation Template
% Please read the comments in this file and make appropriate edits.
% NOTE: Always refer to the ``Preperation and Submission Manual for
% Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses for 20**'', where 20** is
% the year of your graduation, for officiation preparations guidelines.
% If you desire more control, please see the attached files:
% * ucsd.cls -- Class file
% * uct10.clo, uct11.clo, uct12.clo -- Configuration files for font sizes 10pt,11pt,12pt
% * Original file adapted from brockman.tex by JRB and RMR
% to work with ucsd.cls
% documentclass options: default is 11pt, oneside, final.
% fonts: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt -- are valid for UCSD dissertations.
% sides: oneside, twoside -- note that two-sided theses are not accepted by OGS
% mode: draft, final -- draft mode switches to single spacing, removes hyperlinks,
% and places a black box at every overfull hbox (check these before submission).
% chapterheads -- include this if you want your chapters to read:
% Chapter 1
% Title of Chapter
% instead of
% 1 Title of Chapter
% Include all packages you need here. Some standard options are suggested below.
% GEOMETRY - This will force the use of Letter paper.
% Many TeX installations default to A4 paper. The formatting
% of the thesis class file requires Letter, else the margins
% will be wrong when you go to print it (and OGS will complain).
% If your TeX implementation is not setup for Letter paper, and
% you cannot change it, uncommenting the following line may fix
% problem.
% \usepackage[paper=letterpaper]{geometry}
%% AMS PACKAGES - Chances are you will want some or all of these if writing a math dissertation.
% \usepackage{amsmath, amscd, amssymb, amsthm}
%% GRAPHICX - This is the standard package for including graphics for latex/pdflatex.
% \usepackage{graphicx}
%% LATIN MODERN FONTS (replacements for Computer Modern)
% \usepackage{lmodern}
% \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
% Uncomment the following two lines to create an index:
% \usepackage{makeidx}
% \makeindex
% You will need to uncomment the \printindex line near the
% bibliography to display the index. Use the command
% \index{keyword} within the text to create an entry in the index
% for keyword.
% To create a PDF with hyperlinks, you need to include the hyperref package.
% Note that the options plainpages=false and pdfpagelabels exist
% to fix indexing associated with having both (ii) and (2) as pages.
% Also, all links must be black according to OGS.
% See: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=hyperdupdest
% Note: This may not work correctly with all DVI viewers (i.e. Yap breaks).
% \usepackage[colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=black,plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}
% \hypersetup{ pdfauthor = {Your Name Here}, pdftitle = {The Title of The Dissertation}, pdfkeywords = {Keywords for Searching}, pdfcreator = {pdfLaTeX with hyperref package}, pdfproducer = {pdfLaTeX}}
%% REQUIRED FIELDS -- Replace with the values appropriate to you
\title{The Title Of The Dissertation}
% No symbols, formulas, superscripts, or Greek letters are allowed
% in your title.
\author{Your Name Here}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% Master's Degree theses will NOT be formatted properly with this
% file.
\chair{Professor Chair Master}
% Uncomment the next line iff you have a Co-Chair
% \cochair{Professor Cochair Semimaster}
\othermembers{% These must be alpha by last name.
Professor Humor Less\\
Professor Ironic Name\\
Professor Cirius Thinker\\
\numberofmembers{5} % |chair| + |cochair| + |othermembers|
\makefrontmatter % The title, copyright, and signature pages.
% You have three choices here:
% 1. Use the ``dedication'' environment. Put in the text you want,
% and you'll get a perfectly respectable dedication page.
% 2. Use the ``mydedication'' environment. If you don't like the
% formatting of option 1, use this environment and format things
% however you wish.
% 3. If you don't want a dedication, it's not required.
\begin{dedication} % The style file will format this for you.
To two.
% \begin{mydedication} % You are responsible for formatting here.
% \vspace{1in}
% \begin{flushleft}
% To me.
% \end{flushleft}
% \vspace{2in}
% \begin{center}
% And you.
% \end{center}
% \vspace{2in}
% \begin{flushright}
% Which equals us.
% \end{flushright}
% \end{mydedication}
% The same choices that applied to the dedication apply here.
\begin{epigraph} % The style file will position the text for you.
\emph{A careful quotation\\
conveys brilliance.}\\
---Smarty Pants
% \begin{myepigraph} % You position the text yourself.
% \vfil
% \begin{center}
% {\bf Think! It ain't illegal yet.}
% \emph{---George Clinton}
% \end{center}
% \end{myepigraph}
% \listoffigures % Uncomment if you have any figures
% \listoftables % Uncomment if you have any tables
% While technically optional, you probably have someone to thank.
% Also, a paragraph acknowledging all coauthors and publishers (if
% you have any) is required in the acknowledgements page and as the
% last paragraph of text at the end of each respective chapter. See
% the OGS Formatting Manual for more information.
Thanks to whoever deserves credit for Blacks Beach, Porters Pub, and
every coffee shop in San Diego.
Thanks also to hottubs.
% A brief vita is required in a doctoral thesis. See the OGS
% Formatting Manual for more information.
\item[2002] B.~S. in Mathematics \emph{cum laude}, University of Southern North Dakota, Hoople
\item[2002-2007] Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of California, San Diego
\item[2007] Ph.~D. in Mathematics, University of California, San Diego
\item Your Name, ``A Simple Proof Of The Riemann Hypothesis'', \emph{Annals of Math}, 314, 2007.
\item Your Name, Euclid, ``There Are Lots Of Prime Numbers'', \emph{Journal of Primes}, 1, 300
%% Abstract
% There does not seem to be a maximum length. From the OGS Formatting
% Manual: ``The abstract may continue on to a second page.''
This dissertation will be abstract.
% A common strategy here is to include files for each of the chapters. I.e.,
% \include{chapter1.tex}
% \include{chapter2.tex}
% etc. Of course, if you prefer, you can just start with
% \chapter{My First Chapter Name}
% and start typing away.
\chapter{Just a Test}
This is only a test.
\section{A section}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla odio
sem, bibendum ut, aliquam ac, facilisis id, tellus. Nam posuere pede
sit amet ipsum. Etiam dolor. In sodales eros quis pede. Quisque sed
nulla et ligula vulputate lacinia. In venenatis, ligula id semper
feugiat, ligula odio adipiscing libero, eget mollis nunc erat id orci.
Nullam ante dolor, rutrum eget, vestibulum euismod, pulvinar at, nibh.
In sapien. Quisque ut arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Cras consequat cursus
\subsection{More Stuff}
\caption{A figure of Vonnegut.\index{Vonnegut}}
\chapter{Final notes}
Remove me in case of abdominal pain.
% \printindex %% Uncomment to display the index
% \nocite{} %% Put any references that you want to include in the bib
% but haven't cited in the braces.
% \bibliographystyle{alpha} %% This is just my personal favorite style.
% There are many others.
% \bibliography{myrefs} %% This looks for the bibliography in myrefs.bib
% which should be formatted as a bibtex file.