UnB logo
Lucas Correa Lopes
Sidst opdateret:
et år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Logotipo da UnB vetorizado no tikz.

Opdag hvorfor 18 millioner mennesker verden rundt stoler på Overleaf med deres arbejde.
Opdag hvorfor 18 millioner mennesker verden rundt stoler på Overleaf med deres arbejde.
\def \globalscale {1}
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=1cm, x=1cm, yscale=\globalscale,xscale=\globalscale, every node/.append style={scale=\globalscale}, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\path[fill=newblue,even odd rule] (0.0, 0.0) -- (5.8614865625, 0.0) --
(5.8614865625, 2.3445178958).. controls (5.20715875, 2.3448645) and
(4.540329375, 2.4273113125) .. (3.9880725208, 2.6515959583).. controls
(3.5508221042, 2.8291737083) and (2.9326548958, 3.1342885625) ..
(2.5469320833, 3.3810575) -- (1.8939483542, 3.8130823958).. controls
(1.6817789792, 3.9586296875) and (1.4774915417, 4.1177739167) ..
(1.2634568542, 4.2677767917).. controls (1.05102025, 4.4166604792) and
(0.8413935208, 4.5698780417) .. (0.63338075, 4.7229103958).. controls
(0.5291031667, 4.7996263333) and (0.4253838542, 4.8741965) .. (0.3178122083,
4.9501133958).. controls (0.2134129167, 5.0237972083) and (0.1069948542,
5.1124273333) .. (0.0, 5.1762739375) -- cycle;
\path[fill=newblue,even odd rule] (6.19648875, 0.0) -- (12.0577662917, 0.0) --
(12.0577662917, 5.1763109792).. controls (11.9998146042, 5.1416135208) and
(11.9464481458, 5.1008253542) .. (11.8914836042, 5.0597646667) --
(11.4186043958, 4.7186717708).. controls (11.3163455833, 4.6412996667) and
(11.2081892083, 4.5675814583) .. (11.1039962917, 4.4907861458) --
(10.1577245833, 3.8090977708).. controls (9.6771989167, 3.4727091667) and
(9.3416040625, 3.2654054792) .. (8.8073679792, 2.9894582917).. controls
(7.9176297917, 2.5298743958) and (7.2736974583, 2.3450893958) .. (6.19648875,
2.3445178958) -- cycle;
\path[fill=newgreen,even odd rule] (12.0577662917, 6.0288857917) --
(6.1964702292, 6.0288857917) -- (6.1964702292, 2.6802291667).. controls
(6.9182853125, 2.6802291667) and (7.456852625, 2.766996625) .. (8.0621796042,
3.0109292292).. controls (8.30830825, 3.1101109375) and (8.5792389375,
3.246231125) .. (8.8036823333, 3.3649258542).. controls (9.10688425,
3.5252633542) and (9.5469286667, 3.7844994583) .. (9.8227911875, 3.98332325)..
controls (9.9308179167, 4.0611821875) and (10.036603625, 4.1362391875) ..
(10.14603, 4.2128016667).. controls (10.6661585, 4.57673075) and
(11.2082606458, 4.9888431042) .. (11.7322176667, 5.3595164167) --
(12.0577662917, 5.5896218958) -- cycle;
\path[fill=newgreen,even odd rule] (0.0, 5.5895822083).. controls
(0.0919744583, 5.5394807083) and (1.4143963542, 4.5699256667) ..
(1.5915983958, 4.4451137708) -- (2.2288923333, 3.9873052292).. controls
(2.687685125, 3.6601029583) and (3.472926125, 3.2197886667) .. (3.995562875,
3.0108948333).. controls (4.60555975, 2.7670839375) and (5.13508625,
2.6802291667) .. (5.8614733333, 2.6802291667) -- (5.8614733333, 6.0288857917)
-- (0.0, 6.0288857917) -- cycle;