TeX Curriculum Vitae
Sidst opdateret:
2 år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A simple and stylized curriculum vitae template.

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\usepackage{tgpagella} % set the font-family to `TeX Gyre Pagella`
\usepackage{sectsty} % change the appearance of \section
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\sectionrule{0pt}{0pt}{-8pt}{1.5pt} % insert an horizontal rule -8pt below the title, with a thickness of 1pt
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Colors %%%%%%%%%%%%%
\definecolor{blueSky}{RGB}{49, 120, 198}
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\newcommand{\mainColor}{redBlood} % pick a color above, or add a custom one
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Spaces %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Horizontal %
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% Vertical %
%%% boxAwesome Macro %%%
%%% Job Macro %%%
\newcommand{\job}[1]{ % `1` indicate the number of parameters given to the \name macro
\large % font size
\color{grayShy} % change the color to gray
\begin{center} \textsc{\MakeLowercase{#1}} \end{center}\par \mvspace % prints #1 (the title) centered and scripted
%%% Name Macro %%%
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%%% Section Macro %%%
\color{\mainColor} \boxAwesome{#1} \negshspace \StrSplit{#2}{3}{\csA}{\csB} \csA\color{black}\csB
%%% Subsection Macro %%%
\boxAwesome{#1} #2
%%% Personal Details Macro %%%
\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 % \noindent delete default indentation ; \hangindent set custom indentation ; \hangafter indicate for how many lines we want this indentation (0 means for all lines)
#2 \par
%%% Skills Macro %%%
\parbox{30\spacebox} {
\boxAwesome{#1} \textbf{#2}
} \svspace \texttt{#3} \par
%%% Work Experience Macro %%%
\noindent \textbf{#1}
\hfill % the following is written at the right of the document on the same line
}} \par
\noindent \color{grayShy} \textsc{\MakeLowercase{#3}} \color{black} \par
\item[\faAngleRight] #4
\item[\faAngleRight] #5
\item[\faAngleRight] #6
\normalsize \par
%%% Education Macro %%%
\noindent \textbf{#1}
}} \par
\noindent \color{grayShy} \textsc{\MakeLowercase{#3}} \color{black} \par
\normalsize \par
%%% Hobbies Macro %%%
\boxAwesome{#1} #2
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Your CV below %%%%%%%%%%%%%
\name{Your Name}{Here}{Web and Mobile Developer}
\info{\faPhone}{(000) 000-0000}
\info{\faMap}{2708 N University Dr - 33322 Sunrise, Florida}
\info{\faGithub}{\texttt{Your GitHub ID}}
\cvsubsection{\faLaptopCode}{Technical skills}
\doubleSkill{\faCogs}{Back-end}{Symfony \textbullet{} CakePHP}
\doubleSkill{\faDatabase}{Databases}{PostgreSQL \textbullet{} MongoDB \textbullet{} Redis}
\doubleSkill{\faPaintBrush}{Front-end}{Svelte \textbullet{} React \textbullet{} MaterialUI}
\doubleSkill{\faCode}{Integration}{Sass \textbullet{} TailwindCSS \textbullet{} Bulma}
\doubleSkill{\faTools}{Tools}{Git \textbullet{} Docker \textbullet{} NeoVim \textbullet{} Fish Shell \textbullet{} \LaTeX{}}
\doubleSkill{\faLinux}{OS}{Fedora \textbullet{} NixOS \textbullet{} XMonad}
\cvsubsection{\faHandsHelping}{Soft skills}
\simpleSkill{Problem-solving and critical thinking}
\simpleSkill{Time management}
\cvsection{\faBriefcase}{Work Experience}
\work{Senior Full Stack Engineer - R\&D Team}{2019-now}{Walter Group - 71342 Jena, Louisiana}{\lipsum[1][1]}{\lipsum[1][1]}{\lipsum[1][1]}
\work{Software Engineer Intern - OS Team}{2015-2019}{Fahey Inc - 77450 Katy, Texas}{\lipsum[1][1]}{\lipsum[1][1]}{\lipsum[1][1]}
\work{Front-End Engineer - UX Team}{2013-2015}{Schinner-Corwin - 45241 Cincinnati, Ohio}{\lipsum[1][1]}{\lipsum[1][1]}{\lipsum[1][1]}
\education{Bachelor of Computer Science}{2010-2013}{Laguna Bay University - 92503 Riverside, California}
\education{Bachelor of Science in Information Technology}{2007-2010}{Summit University - 94080 South San Francisco, California}
\education{Bachelor of Computer Application}{2004-2007}{Pine Hill Institute - 60501 Summit, Indiana}
\education{Bachelor of Marketing and Communication}{2001-2004}{Winters Institute - 8837 Belair Rd, Maryland}
\cvsection{\faPuzzlePiece}{Hobbies \& Interests}
\hobby{\faGamepad}{Video games}