Template Tesi UniPr
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7 måneder siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Modello aggiornato secondo le ultime direttive per la stesura del documento di tesi di laurea
%%%%%%%%%%%Some Extra Packages%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[italian]{babel} % To have Italina names in Sections, Figures, Chapters etc.
\usepackage{todonotes} % To ease the revision
\usepackage{blindtext} % Dummy Text - remove
% Everybody needs to complete the following:
\title{Titolo in Italiano}
\author{Nome Cognome}
\advisor{Prof. Nome Cognome}
\college{Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche}
\degree{Corso di Laurea [Triennale in Informatica | Magistrale in Scienze Informatiche]}
% Not mandatory fields
\newcommand{\subTitle}{Titolo in Inglese} %Subtitle, usually the english version of the title
%\newcommand{\advisorSecond}{Prof. Nome2 Cognome2} % For multiple (up to 4) advisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
%\newcommand{\advisorThird}{Dott. Nome3 Cognome3} % For multiple (up to 4) advisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
%\newcommand{\advisorFourth}{Dott. Nome4 Cognome4} % For multiple (up to 4) advisors
\newcommand{\coadvisor}{Prof. co-Nome co-Cognome} %For multiple (up to 4) coadvisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
\newcommand{\coadvisorSecond}{Prof. co-Nome2 co-Cognome2} % For multiple (up to 4) coadvisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
%\newcommand{\coadvisorThird}{Dott. co-Nome3 co-Cognome3} % For multiple (up to 4) coadvisors -- if this is not present then also the remaining ones are automatically omitted
%\newcommand{\coadvisorFourth}{Dott. co-Nome4 co-Cognome4} % For multiple (up to 4) coadvisors
%%%% La dedica
%%%% Gli indici
\listoffigures %Commentare se non vi sono Immagini
\listofalgorithms %Commentare se non vi sono Algoritmi
\listoftables %Commentare se non vi sono Tabelle
%%%% La prefazione
%%%% I Capitoli di Contenuto
%%%% Le Conclusioni
%%%% La bibliografia
\bibliographystyle{apalike} %{plain} -- Scegliere lo stile preferito
% Le appendici