% Use the second for a single-spaced copy suitable for duplex printing
% and binding.
% Other useful options (there are more options documented in Chapter 2):
% * draft -- don't actually include images, print a black bar on overful
% hboxes
% * MS -- Format for a Master's Thesis. No UMI abstract page, some
% textual changes to title page.
% Useful packages for dissertation writing:
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts, amsthm}
% \usepackage{cite} % If you include this, hyperlink cites will
% break. It's nice to use this package if your bibstyle
% sorts entries by order-of-use, rather than
% alphabetically (as plain does).
%Theorem, Lemma, etc. environments
% Personal commands and abbreviations.
%Define and personal commands here
%Graphics Path to find your pictures
\author{[Your Name Here]}
\title{[Your Title Here]}
\supervisor{[Your Supervisor Here]}
\department{[Your Department Here]} % Appears as Department of \department
% Declare dissertation subject used on UMI abstract page. List of
% categories: http://dissertations.umi.com/duke/subject_categories.html
%\subject{[Your Subject Here]}
\date{2011} % Anything but the year is ignored.
% Copyright text. If undefined, default is 'All rights reserved'
% (Example sets the text to a hyperlinked Creative Commons Licence)
\copyrighttext{ All rights reserved except the rights granted by the\\
{Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial Licence}
% Committee Members other than supervisor. No more than five beyond the
% supervisor allowed.
\member{[Department Committee Member \#1]}
\member{[Department Committee Member \#2]}
\member{[External Committee Member]}
% HYPERREF: plain black hypertext references for ref's and cite's.
\usepackage[pdftex, pdfusetitle, plainpages=false,
letterpaper, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered,
colorlinks, linkcolor=black, citecolor=black,
filecolor=black, urlcolor=black]
% TITLE PAGE -- provides UMI abstract title page & copyright if appropriate
% ABSTRACT -- included file should start with '\abstract'.
% DEDICATION -- OPTIONAL. Put the text inside the braces.
% (Long 'dedications' probably belong in the acknowledgements)
\dedication{If you want to dedicate your thesis to anyone do so here}
% FRONTMATTER -- ToC is required, LoT and LoF are required if you have any
% tables or figures, respectively. List of Abbreviations and Symbols is
% optional.
\tableofcontents % Automatically generated
\listoftables % If you have any tables, automatically generated
\listoffigures % If you have any figures, automatically generated
\include{{./Abbreviations/listofabbr}} % List of Abbreviations. Start file with '\abbreviations'
% ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -- included file should start with '\acknowledgements'
\include{{./Chapter2/guide-notes}} % A regular chapter, starts with '\chapter{Title}'
% APPENDICES -- OPTIONAL. These are just chapters enumerated by Appendix A,
% Appendix B, Appendix C...
\include{{./Appendix1/chLorem3}} % Start with '\chapter{Title}'
%You can always add more appendices here if you want
% BIBLIOGRAPHY -- uncomment \nocite{*} to include items in 'mybib.bib' file
% that aren't cited in the text. Change the style to match your
% discipline's standards. Of course, if your bibliography file isn't called
% 'mybib.bib' you might want to change that here too :)
%\nocite{*} - if you use this it will put EVERYTHING in your .bib file into the references even if you don't cite it in the text
\bibliographystyle{./Bibliography/jasa} %Formats bibliography
\normalbaselines %Fixes spacing of bibliography
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} %adds Bibliography to your table of contents
\bibliography{./Bibliography/References} %your bibliography file - change the path if needed
% BIOGRAPHY -- Start file with '\biography'. Mandatory for Ph.D.
% You're done :)