%========== Preamble ==========
% Document class
% Document information
% Standard Packages
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% Other stuff
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% Text formatting
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% Graphics
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% TikZ
% Packages for creating tables
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% Source of Figures & Tables ; captions
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% Header & Footer
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% List of tables and figures according to the chair template
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% Citation
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% Adding the literature
%%%%%%%% Start document information %%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\titel}{\LaTeX -Template for academic papers} % Title
\newcommand{\untertitel}{a very long \\ sample subtitle} % Subtitle
\newcommand{\autor}{Max Mustermann} % Author
\newcommand{\betreuer}{Erika Musterfrau} % Supervisor
\newcommand{\semester}{summer semester 2021} % Semester
\newcommand{\ausgabe}{XX.XX.20XX} % Issue date (only relevant for thesis)
\newcommand{\abgabe}{XX.XX.20XX} % Submission date
\newcommand{\adresse}{Richard-Wagner-Straße 123 \\ 95447 Bayreuth} % Adress
\newcommand{\telefon}{+49 1234 56789} % Telephone-Number
\newcommand{\email}{\href{mailto:Max.Mustermann@uni-bayreuth.de}{Max.Mustermann@uni-bayreuth.de}} % E-Mail
\newcommand{\studium}{Economics, 6th Semester} % Course of studies, Number of Semesters
\newcommand{\matrikel}{1234567} % Matriculation number
%%%%%%%% End document information %%%%%%%%
%========== Begin of the document ==========
% Titlepage
% A german abstract is necessary if the academic paper is written in english/any other foreign language (cf. examination rules)
\newpage % Creates a new page
\pagenumbering{Roman} % Switch to Roman page numbering
\selectlanguage{english} % Selects english as the default language
% Table of Contents
\newpage % Creates a new page
\tableofcontents % Creates Table of Contents
% List of Figures
\newpage % Creates a new page
\renewcommand\listfigurename{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures}
% List of Tables
\newpage % Creates a new page
\renewcommand\listtablename{List of Tables}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables}
% List of Abbreviations
\newpage % Creates a new page
% Main part
\newpage % Creates a new page
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Switch to Arabic page numbering
\setcounter{page}{1} % Reset page numbers to 1
\input{Outline.tex} % In the Outline.tex file, all chapters and subchapters are loaded for better clarity and structure. The main.tex file is used only for basic settings in this configuration. If you don't like this, you can replace this line with the content of the Outline.tex file.
% References/Bibliography
\newpage % Creates a new page
% Appendix
\newpage % Creates a new page
% Affidavit (not necessary for Seminar/Term papers)
\newpage % Creates a new page
%========== End of the document ==========