Esta es una plantilla utilizada para la presentación de trabajos prácticos, cuenta con elementos predefinidos y distintas secciones. Originalmente fue diseñana para la cátedra de Simulación de Ingeniería en Sistemas pero se puede utilizar para cualquier otra cátedra
Submitted full papers are to be supposed to be of at
least 4 pages length. The authors should submit their
papers electronically, written in English, due to the
given deadline, through a web upload procedure available, see
This paper provides a sample of a LATEX document for the NIME conference series. It conforms, somewhat loosely, to the formatting guidelines for ACM SIG Proceedings. It is an alternate style which produces a tighter-looking paper and was designed in response to concerns expressed, by authors, over page-budgets. It complements the document Author’s (Alternate) Guide to Preparing ACM SIG Proceedings Using LATEX2ε and BibTEX. This source file has been written with the intention of being compiled under LATEX2ε and BibTeX.