LaTeX templates — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zürich)

This is the revised LaTeX template for working papers at the Institute of Transport Planning at ETH Zurich, version 2025. More details can be found on the institute's website:

A simple template for student theses or reports at the Chair of Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems at ETH Zurich. Based on official guidelines:

Guideline doctoral plan department of Computer Science ETH Zurich

Candidacy Exam Research Plan Template for EPFL students participating in the EPFL - ETHZ Joint Doctoral Program in the Learning Sciences (JDPLS). This document is based on the [.doc] template provided by EPFL as of July 29, 2024. Use at your own risk.

This is the style guide for every student at the Global Health Engineering group of ETH Zurich willing to write their manuscript in LaTeX. The template is suitable for Bachelor Thesis, Semester Project, and Master Thesis.

2022 - v.01 Taken from Doctoral Plan Template PSL ETHZ (01.2023) and slightly changed Please check the ETH Internal Recommended Template to ensure you have all topics covered

Doctoral Plan Template for the use of Power System Laboratory PhD Candidates at ETH Zurich

template in the same style, as many currently on amiv (ETHZ), etc. available summaries.

Thesis template for student projects at the "Distributed Computing" Group at ETH Zurich.
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