LaTeX templates — Czech

Presentation template for the Faculty of Environmental Sciences Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Volba vzhledu prezentace. Pro další možnosti, barevná schémata a použité fonty, navštivte:

Template (v.2.2) for theses at Faculty of Science (Masaryk University). This template agrees with faculty rules, see Read also the attached file "Pruvodce sablonou"

UHK unofficial, but official like template.

Project practice paper template for students on Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology.

Soctepmlate unofficial - SOČ = Středoškolská odborná činnost - Czech competition Author: Vojtěch Boček Edit by: Jaroslav Páral Source code: Base on: License: CC BY 4.0

Template pro seminární práce na střední škole. Template for seminary works on high school.

Alternative thesis template, optimized for FNSPE CTU. Not my work (I just edited), original is from FNSPE CTU. Updated version (18thOct2020)

Thesis template for Bachelor's or Master's thesis, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague. Šablona pro bakalářské a diplomové prace, Fakulta informatiky a statistiky, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze.
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