LaTeX templates — Journal articles
Discover a wide range of academic journal LaTeX templates for articles and papers which automatically format your manuscripts in the style required for submission to that journal.

Article template for the Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology. Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology (JMO) was created in 2014 with the aim of providing a forum for interdisciplinary approaches integrating mathematical and computational modeling techniques to address open problems in ophthalmology Downloaded from the journal website on 3 June 2017. One minor fix to a biblatex style issue in the .cls file, but otherwise unmodified.

The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society — the official publication of the AES — is the only peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to audio technology. The Journal contains state-of-the-art technical papers and engineering reports; feature articles covering timely topics; pre and post reports of AES conventions and other society activities; news from AES sections around the world; Standards and Education Committee work; membership news, patents, new products, and newsworthy developments in the field of audio. Downloaded here on 5 May 2017.

Modelo de Artigo Acadêmico em conformidade com ABNT NBR 6022:2003: Informação e documentação - Artigo em publicação periódica científica impressa Revista Tecnologia e Arquitetura da Informação Centro de Pesquisa e Arquitetura da Informação (CPAI)

from Taylor and Francis modified by Joe Foley to work

LaTeX template retrieved from: Consistency comparison in tting surrogate model in the tidal power example (This template may be out of date as the original link is not working now; please check with the JASA editorial office to see if a newer version is available.)

This is a guide for authors who are preparing papers for International Journal of Computer Applications using the LaTeX document preparation system and the ijcaArticle class file.

Simply importing the template for JFR from their website as a September 19, 2015. All rights to this template should be referred to JFR directly at

Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health (EMPH) is an open access journal that publishes original, rigorous applications of evolutionary thought to issues in medicine and public health. This template may be used to prepare your submission to EMPH. It contains instructions on how to include text, figures and references, and when you are ready to submit your manuscript please click the Submit to EMPH button on the topbar of the Overleaf editor and follow the instructions provided. We hope you find Overleaf useful for your EMPH submission, and please let us know if you have any feedback. Please note that although it may be possible to fit more than 600 words on the page in the Overleaf template, 600 words is the upper limit for this content type. About EMPH EMPH aims to connect evolutionary biology with the health sciences to produce insights that may reduce suffering and save lives. Because evolutionary biology is a basic science that reaches across many disciplines, this journal is open to contributions on a broad range of topics, including relevant work on non-model organisms and insights that arise from both research and practice. All material to be considered for publication in Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health should be submitted in electronic form via the journal's online submission system. Full instructions for manuscript preparation and submission can be found at Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health (EMPH) is pioneering a new category of contributions called Clinical Briefs for which we are soliciting further submissions. Briefs are of two types: 1) Clinical—that take an explicitly evolutionary perspective to address a specific condition or pathology and 2) Foundational—that deal with basic topics underpinning an understanding of evolutionary principles that shed light on clinical conditions. This novel type of publication is restricted to a one-page, 600-word summary, including references and figures, designed to be accessible in style and useful for practitioners. Both kinds of briefs use a standard template with three columns: Clinical Briefs use the first to discuss the targeted pathology, the second to discuss an evolutionary perspective on this pathology and the third to discuss future implications. Foundational Briefs use the first column to give a definition and background to the topic discussed, the second to give relevant examples from human biology and public health and the third to give specific examples from clinical medicine. Briefs can be easily downloaded and read from tablets and mobile phones. As with other contributions to EMPH, Briefs are peer-reviewed and searchable online.
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