% SixtySecondsCV LaTeX template
% Copyright © 2020 L. Gueroult <lgueroult-at-hotmail.com>
% Licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE file for details.
% Please visit https://github.com/LaGuer/SixtySecondsCV for the most
% recent version! For bugs or feature requests, please open a new issue on
% github.
% Contributors
% ------------
% * ifokkema
% * Bertbk
% * Hespe
% * esben
% Attributions
% ------------
% * sixtysecondscv is based on the fortysecondcv class by Rene Wirnata
% (rene.wirnata@pandascience.net), released under the 3-Clause BSD license and available at
% https://github.com/PandaScience/FortySecondsCV/
% * fortysecondscv is based on the twentysecondcv class by Carmine Spagnuolo
% (cspagnuolo@unisa.it), released under the MIT license and available at
% https://github.com/spagnuolocarmine/TwentySecondsCurriculumVitae-LaTex
% * further attributions are indicated immediately before corresponding code
% showframes,
% vline=2.2em,
% itemtextcolor=black!80,
% sidebarwidth=0.4\paperwidth,
% topbottommargin=0.03\paperheight,
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% profilepicyshift=0mm,
% profilepicrounding=1.0cm,
% logowidth=4.5cm,
% logospace=5mm,
% logoposition=before,
% improve word spacing and hyphenation
% uncomment in case you don't want any hyphenation
% \usepackage[none]{hyphenat}
% take care of proper font encoding
% \newfontfamily\headingfont[Path = fonts/]{segoeuib.ttf} % local font
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{noto} % use noto google font
% enable mathematical syntax for some symbols like \varnothing
% bubble diagram configuration
% default font size is \large, so adjust to harmonize with sidebar layout
bubble center node font = \footnotesize,
bubble node font = \footnotesize,
% default: 4cm/2.5cm; make minimum diameter relative to sidebar size
bubble center node size = 0.4\sidebartextwidth,
bubble node size = 0.25\sidebartextwidth,
distance center/other bubbles = 1.5em,
% set center bubble color
bubble center node color = maincolor!70,
% define the list of colors usable in the diagram
set color list = {materiallime, materialamber,
materialcyan, materialblue, materialindigo},
% sets the opacity at which the bubbles are shown
bubble fill opacity = 0.8,
%% mandatory information
% your name
\cvname{Raging Bull}
% job title/career
\cvjobtitle{Data Scientist,\\[0.2em] Tiger of the Year}
\write18{wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gosquared/flags/master/flags/flags/shiny/64/Germany.png}
\write18{wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gosquared/flags/master/flags/flags/shiny/64/France.png}
\write18{wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gosquared/flags/master/flags/flags/shiny/64/Spain.png}
\write18{wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gosquared/flags/master/flags/flags/shiny/64/United-States.png}
\write18{wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gosquared/flags/master/flags/flags/shiny/64/Russia.png}
\write18{wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gosquared/flags/master/flags/flags/shiny/64/Switzerland.png}
\write18{wget https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmZiD898vX1yaukukNbgbuSoUtqVRD262k4qK4xWB523LM?filename=QmZiD898vX1yaukukNbgbuSoUtqVRD262k4qK4xWB523LM.png}
%% optional information
% profile picture
% logo picture
% NOTE: ordering in sidebar will mimic the following order
% date of birth
% short address/location, use \newline if more than 1 line is required
\cvaddress{301 Park Ave, New-York, 10022 NY, USA}
% phone number
\cvphone{+1 212 355 3000}
% skype ID
% personal website
% email address
% pgp key
% any other custom entry
\cvcustomdata{\faFlag}{US Citizenship}
% add more profile sections to sidebar on first page
% include gosquare national flags from https://github.com/gosquared/flags;
% naming according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes
% social network accounts incl. proper hyperlinks
\profilesection{Social Network}
{Overleaf Link}
{Researchgate Link}
{Github Project Page Link}
\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{
\textcolor{white}{\textbf{Being a}} \\
\textcolor{white}{\textbf{Panda}}, % center bubble
\barskill{\faSkyatlas}{Wearing asian rice hats}{60}
\barskill{\faImage}{Playing Chess}{30}
\barskill{\faMusic}{Playing the bamboo stick}{50}
\profilesection{About Me}
The giant panda is a terrestrial animal and primarily spends its life
roaming and feeding in the bamboo forests of the Qinling Mountains and in
the hilly province of Sichuan.
\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{
\textcolor{white}{\textbf{Being a}} \\
\textcolor{white}{\textbf{Panda}}, % center bubble
\chartlabel{Wheel Chart}
\profilesection{Hard Skills}
\skill{\faBalanceScale}{Sleeping almost all day}
\skill{\faSitemap}{Eating a lot of bamboo sprouts}
\skill{\faGraduationCap}{Relaxing rest of the day}
\profilesection{Soft Skills}
\pointskill{\faHome}{Looking Cute}{4}[4]
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{No need to specify further}
\pointskill{\faChild}{Chillin' hard}{3}[4]
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{On a tree}
\skill[1.8em]{\faCompress}{In the grass}
\barskill{\faSkyatlas}{Wearing asian rice hats}{60}
\barskill{\faImage}{Playing Chess}{30}
\barskill{\faMusic}{Playing the bamboo stick}{50}
%\membership[4em]{pics/logo.png}{Some longer text spanning over more than
% only one line}
\cvsection{Working Experience}
\cvitem{currently}{CEO The Panda Way}{Start Up}{Chief executive officer, Head
developer and yoga ambassador of 'The Panda Way' - A company from pandas
for pandas.}
\cvitem{2018 -- 2019}{Data Scientist}{Amis University}{
Reasearching the impact of adequate AMIS nutrition compared to
conventional feeding methods.}
\cvitem{2017 -- 2018}{Asset Management Information Solution}{Decentralized Exchange}{Continuously improving
the workflow of crypto-asset distribution and exchange.}
\cvsubsection{Postgraduate Training}
\cvitem{2009 -- 2010}{Post-Doc Panda Studies}{Panda Academy}
{In-depth studies on the impact of bamboo nutrition for young pandas and
its relation to relaxing, sleeping and snoozing parts of the day.}
\cvitem{2008 -- 2009}{Research Stay Europe}{European Panda Labs}
{Spending one year abroad teaching about the
newest findings and research in the field of decentralized finance and
applications for BambooRelay as a trading platform.}
\cvitem{2006 -- 2008}{Master Studies Panda Science}{Panda Academy}
{Focus: Advanced rice hat studies and nouveau rain-reflecting cover
\cvitem{}{Master Theses ($\varnothing\, 1,0$)}{CRSW Institute}
{Impact of solar radiation onto rice hat cover materials with special
attention to water resistance.}
\cvitem{2003 -- 2006}{Bachelor Studies PandaScience}{Panda Academy}
{Focus: Bamboo stick morphology and its usage in different instruments.}
\cvitem{}{Bachelor Theses ($\varnothing\, 1,0$)}{BambooStick Institute}
{The bamboo stick: An underestimated instrument in orchestras?}
\cvpubitem{Back to Cosmos}{Sanchez et Al.}
{Progress in Physics}{2019}
\cvpubitem{Science unification and Permanent Cosmology}{Sanchez et Al.}
{Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliquees}{2020}
\cvitem{2010 -- now}{Tiger of the Year}{OBS}{}
\cvitem{2001 -- now}{Voila Engine Search}{H3D}{}
\cvsection{Extra-Curricular Activities}
\cvitemshort{Sports}{Sailing, Golf}
\cvitemshort{Education}{Machine Learning, CNN, AI}
% \newgeometry{
% top=\topbottommargin,
% bottom=\topbottommargin,
% right=\leftrightmargin,
% left=\leftrightmargin
% }
\cvitem{<dates>}{<cv-item title>}{<location>}{<optional: description>}
\cvsubsection{Multi-line with longer description}
\cvitem{date}{Description}{location}{Some longer and more detailed
description, that takes two lines of space instead of only one.}
\cvitem{date}{Description}{location}{Some longer and more detailed
description, that takes two lines of space instead of only one.}
\cvitem{date}{Description}{location}{Some longer and more detailed
description, that takes two lines of space instead of only one.}
\cvsubsection{One-line without description}
\cvitem{Award}{One-line description}{Sponsor}{}
\cvitem{Award}{One-line description}{Sponsor}{}
\cvitem{Award}{One-line description}{Sponsor}{}
\cvitemshort{Key}{Some further description}
\cvitemshort{Key}{Some further description}
\cvitemshort{Key}{Some further description}
\cvsubsection{Multi-line with longer description}
\cvitemshort{Key}{Some further description. Can fill even more than
only one single line while still keeping the correct indendation level.}
\cvitemshort{Key}{Some further description. Can fill even more than
only one single line while still keeping the correct indendation level.}
\cvitemshort{Key}{Some further description. Can fill even more than
only one single line while still keeping the correct indendation level.}
\cvsignature \watermark.
% \digsigfield{5cm}{3cm}{\cvsignature}