Sidst opdateret
3 år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A simple, asymmetric two-column CV.
A narrow column in the left for the key points and photo, and a larger column in the right for the experience.
A simple, asymmetric two-column CV.
A narrow column in the left for the key points and photo, and a larger column in the right for the experience.
% Simple asymmetric two-column CV
% Author: Sofia JIJON
\usepackage[vmargin=1.5cm, hmargin=1.5cm]{geometry}
% Left column
\begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth} % Adapt width to your convenience
% Please add a photo in 1x1 format
\clip (0,0) circle (2cm) node {\includegraphics[width=4cm]{Photo}};
\MySkip % See MySetup.tex file
{\LARGE \bfseries Your Name}
\MySkip % See MySetup.tex file
Born on April 7th, 1997\\
City -- COUNTRY\\
Currently living in Another City\\
\MySkip % See MySetup.tex file
\myhref{}{} \\
\section*{Scientific interests}
\textcolor{ColorOne}{$\circ$} Something interesting\\
\textcolor{ColorOne}{$\circ$} Another interesting thing\\
\textcolor{ColorOne}{$\circ$} The most interesting thing\\
\textcolor{ColorOne}{$\circ$} Something less interesting
\item [\normalfont \textcolor{ColorOne}{2021.}] \textbf{PhD in
Social Sciences}\\
Another University\\
\item [\normalfont \textcolor{ColorOne}{2015.}] \textbf{Masters in
\item [\normalfont \textcolor{ColorOne}{2013.}] \textbf{Bachelor in arts}\\
Arts school \\
% Vertical rule
\begin{minipage}{0.05\textwidth} % Adapt width to your convenience
\MyVerticalRule % See MySetup.tex file
% Right column
\begin{minipage}{0.6\textwidth} % Adapt width to your convienience
\section*{Current situation}
\item[\normalfont \textcolor{ColorOne}{Jan. 2018 -- Apr. 2021.}] \textbf{Your current job}\\ \medskip
A Nice Research Lab\\
Here is a short description of your current project.
\item[\normalfont \textcolor{ColorOne}{Sep. 2017 -- Aug. 2018.}]
\textbf{Your previous job}\\ \medskip
Your previous employer\\
Here you describe what you did before working where you are working now.
\item[\normalfont \textcolor{ColorOne}{Sep. 2012 -- Aug. 2017.}]
\textbf{Your first job}\\ \medskip
Your employer\\
This could be a nice short description of your first job.
\item \underline{Name, Y.}, Second Author, N., Third Author, N. et al. \textbf{(2019)} A great title {\it Journal}. doi:~\myhref{}{xx.yyy/zzz.12345}
\item First Author, T., \underline{Name, Y.}, Third Author, N. et al. \textbf{(2015)} A long title for a great study{\it Journal}. doi:~\myhref{}{xx.yyy/zzz.54321}
\section*{Oral communications}
\item \underline{Name, Y.}, Second Author, N., Third Author, N. et al. \textbf{(2019)} The title of a talk you did. {\it Conference}, November 16, 2006, City, Country.
\section*{Another section}
\item Something you want to include in your CV
\section*{Numerical tools}
R & \SkillBull{$\bullet \bullet \bullet \, \circ$}\\
Matlab & \SkillBull{$\bullet \bullet \bullet \, \circ$}\\
Mathematica & \SkillBull{$\bullet \circ \circ \, \circ$}\\
\vfill\null \columnbreak % Break column for new section
Spanish & \SkillBull{$\bullet \bullet \bullet \, \circ$}\\
French & \SkillBull{$\bullet \circ \circ \, \circ$}\\