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\begin{tabular*}{8.62in}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r}
\textsc{{\textbf{#1}}} & \textsc{\textit{[#2]}} \\
{\Huge \scshape Firstname Lastname} \\ \vspace{1pt}
SOFTWARE ENGINEER \\ \vspace{1pt}
\small \raisebox{-0.1\height}\faPhone\ +1-234-567-890 ~ \href{mailto:yourmail@gmail.com}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faEnvelope\ \underline{yourmail@gmail.com}} ~
\href{https://linkedin.com/in/yourid}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faLinkedin\ \underline{/yourid}} ~
\href{https://github.com/yourid}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faGithub\ \underline{/yourid}} ~
\href{https://websiteurl.com}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faGlobe\ \underline{/websiteurl.com}}
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{15pt} % decrease the value if the content is overfitting
\textbf{Examination} & \textbf{Majors} & \textbf{Institute} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{CPI/\%} \\
Graduation & Field & Institute Name & 2020-2024 & 7.6\\
Intermediate & Field & Institute Name & 2018-2020 & 83.23 \\
Matriculation & Field & Institute Name & 2006-2018 & 90.80 \\
\bottomrule \\[-0.75cm]
% \fi
\section*{{ \LARGE \color{myblue} Summary}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
Describe your professional self in a few lines
% \section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Scholastic Achievements}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
% \vspace{-15pt}
% \vspace{1.5mm}
% \begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.70 mm, leftmargin=*]
% \item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Pursuing a \textbf{Minor} in Industrial Design Center(IDC)
% \item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Ranked in the top \textbf{3 \%} among \textbf{0.2 million} candidates in JEE Advanced 2017 \hfill {\ \small [April'17]}
% \item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Ranked in the top \textbf{1 \%} among \textbf{1.5 million} candidates in JEE Mains 2017 \hfill {\ \small [June'17]}
% \item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Secured the \textbf{1st position} in intra-state Talent Search Contest among \textbf{0.1 million} students conducted by \textbf{Navodaya Educational Society And Welfare Committee, Bhopal}\hfill {\ \small [July'15]}
% \item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Awarded \textbf{SBI Scholar} Fellowship which is given to meritorious children of SBI staff \hfill {\ \small [July'17]}
% \end{itemize}
% \vspace{-15pt}
% \vspace{-7pt}
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Professional Experience}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
%\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\textbf{\large Role}| \normalfont{Company Name 1} \hfill { \small Sep 2023 - Oct 2023}
% \emph{Awarded Letter of Recommendation for excellent performance during the internship period }
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 1
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 2
\textbf{\large Role}| \normalfont{Company Name 2} \hfill { \small Sep 2023 - Oct 2023}
% \emph{Awarded Letter of Recommendation for excellent performance during the internship period }
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 1
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 2
%%% SKILLS %%%
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Technical Skills}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\textbf{Programming} & C, JavaScript, R, Solidity, SQL \\
\textbf{Development} & Bootstrap, ExpressJS, Handlebars, NodeJS, ReactJS \\
\textbf{Design} & Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, Wordpress \\
\textbf{Tools} & Git, GitHub, MySQL, VSCode
% \fi
% \fi
%%% PROJECTS %%%
\section*{{ \LARGE \color{myblue} Projects}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
{\LARGE \textcolor{black}{Development}}
\par\noindent\hrulefill % Add a horizontal line
\textbf{\large Project Name 1}| \normalfont{MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS} \hfill {\ \small Ongoing}
\emph{Organzation Name} \hfill {\ \small (Expected by Oct '23)}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Describe your project here 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Describe your project here 2.
\textbf{\large Project Name 2}| \normalfont{Flutter, Ethereum, Solidity} \hfill {\ \small Jan 2023}
\emph{Organzation Name} \hfill {{\href{https://www.yourprojectlink.com}{\underline{Project Link} }}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Describe your project here 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Describe your project here 2.
{\LARGE \textcolor{black}{Machine Learning}}
\par\noindent\hrulefill % Add a horizontal line
\textbf{\large Project Name 3}| \normalfont{Python, Keras, Tensorflow} \hfill {\ \small Aug 2022 - Sep 2022}
\emph{Organzation Name} \hfill {{\href{https://www.yourprojectlink.com}{\underline{Project Link} }}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Describe your project here 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Describe your project here 2.
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Publications}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\textbf{\large{Title of Publication}} \hfill {\ \small Mar 2022}
\emph{Name of Publishing Organization} \hfill{\small ISBN: 123-456-789-0}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 2.
\textbf{\large{Title of Publication}} \hfill {\ \small Mar 2022}
\emph{Name of Publishing Organization} \hfill{\small ISBN: 123-456-789-0}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 2.
%%% COURSES %%%
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Key Courses Undertaken}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\textbf{\large Mathematics and Statistics}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Calculus, Probability and Random Processes, Basics of Statistics, Data Preprocessing for Regression Analysis, Regression Models, Classification Models, Support Vector Machines, Ensemble Techniques, Artificial Neural Networks
\textbf{\large Computer Science}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Structured Programming Approach, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Networks
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Positions of Responsibility}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\textbf{\large{Position}}} \hfill {\ \small Feb 2022 - Present}
\emph{Name of Organization}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 2.
\textbf{\large{Position}} \hfill {\ \small Feb 2022 - Present}
\emph{Name of Organization}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 2.
\textbf{\large{Position}} \hfill {\ \small Feb 2022 - Present}
\emph{Name of Organization}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 2.
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Publications}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\textbf{\large{Title of Publication}} \hfill {\ \small Mar 2022}
\emph{Name of Publishing Organization} \hfill{\small ISBN: 123-456-789-0}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Your item 2.
\section*{{\LARGE \color{myblue}Achievements \& Certifications}\xfilll[0pt]{0.5pt}}
\begin{itemize}[itemsep = -0.75 mm, leftmargin=*]
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Achievement 1.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Achievement 2.
\item[{\color[RGB]{10,0,254}$\bullet$}] \noindent Achievement 3.