Start dine projekter med LaTeX kvalitets-skabeloner for journaler, CV’er, artikler, præsentationer, opgaver, projektrapporter og flere. Søg eller gennemse herunder.
(Master) Thesis template v1.4 for CADMO (Center for Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics and Optimization) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zürich).
Largely adapted from Adrian Nievergelt's template for the ADPS
(lecture notes) project.
Frank Mousset and Hafsteinn Einarsson (uploaded by LianTze Lim)
This is a template for a project report in Hindi. It does not do phoenetic conversion by itself but accepts the unicode hindi (Which can be easily generated by online tools such as Google Input Tools). Filled with dummy text for clarity.
Bjorn Victor heeft ook zijn template voor een doctoraatsthesis doorgestuurd. In zijn thesis wordt gebruik gemaakt van Tikz en PGF.
(Downloaded from LaTeX templates en logo's)
This is a guide for authors who are preparing papers for International Journal of Computer Applications using the LaTeX document preparation system and the ijcaArticle class file.
Formato para informes finales de proyectos de Colciencias basado en la versión en Word:
Informe técnico de avance o final de programas y proyectos de CTeI MM301PR03F08
disponible en:
Based on the KOMA-Script Presentation
LaTeX Template
Version 1.1 (18/10/15)
This template has been downloaded from
Original Authors:
Marius Hofert (
Markus Kohm (
Described in the PracTeX Journal, 2010, No. 2
Template da UFRPE para projeto de pesquisa para os editais PIBIC FACEPE.
OBS: O projeto deve conter até 08 (oito) páginas, excetuando-se a capa e incluindo-se as referências.