Start dine projekter med LaTeX kvalitets-skabeloner for journaler, CV’er, artikler, præsentationer, opgaver, projektrapporter og flere. Søg eller gennemse herunder.
Minimalist, Easy to use, Pretty, Article based format for book reports meant for people new to LaTeX
Author: Sean_Rai (September 2018)
Description: This is a simple but pretty looking article format. Use this to write book reports, or articles for homework, or for creative writing assignments. This format is targeted towards people who are new to LaTeX, don't want to fight with it, but just want a nice looking article at the end.
Template for contributions to technical reports of the HPI.
This hpitr is class to create technical reports at the
Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam in conjunction with the Universitätsverlag
Potsdam. To maintain a unified appearance, this class provides macrotypographic
(like paper size and general layout) and microtypographic (like fonts and their
adjustment) settings.