overleaf skabelonsgalleriLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Latex template for abstract submission to the 33rd Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD) Conference, 2024. Adapted from previous conference templates, e,g, https://cbe.unm.edu/dsfd-conference/abstract_template.zip

Este template é um modelo desenvolvido por estudantes do IFPR campus Jacarezinho com o auxilio de professores. O documento visa ajudar estudantes futuros durante o processo de desenvolvimento de seu TCC, utilizando assim o template no Overleaf como plataforma para documentação de seu trabalho.

From https://bbrejova.github.io/bcdav/LaTeX_pre_bakal%C3%A1rsku_pr%C3%A1cu.html

Template for the proceedings of the CHIL 2024 conference.

نموذج لكتابة مذكرة في الرياضيات باللغة العربية.

A simple template and letterhead for the Iowa State University community

Journal of SJTU is an unofficial LaTeX template for preparing papers to be submitted to the Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. SJTUThesis 是为撰写提交到上海交通大学学报的论文而准备的(非官方)LaTeX 模板。

Bruface template for a Master thesis or report. Designed in the VUB style.

KTU B.Tech Project Preliminary Report CCE template-23-24
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