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LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Template for undergraduate thesis of the Electrical Engineering course of the Western Paraná State University. Template para Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso do curso de Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Unioeste).

CV template as shared in the GitHub repo

A LATEX question paper class for the TIET

Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa, PhD Thesis Work Plan

[2024.05] An updated version of the bachelor thesis template of Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. Minor revision based on the reference: GitHub https://github.com/Zipper-1/xjtuthesis/tree/master and Overleaf https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/xjtu-bachelor-thesis-latex-template/vtrzctjqnpzv. For reference only. For all detailed requirements, please refer to the latest regulations of the school, institution, etc. This template is not guaranteed to be completely error-free. All the meta information in the template, like name, major, and content, are fictitious. Non-commercial, no copyright reserved.

This LaTeX-template might be used to write a bachelor or master thesis at the Department of Electronical Engineering, Telecommunications and Computers (DEETC) at Lisbon School of Engineering (https://www.isel.pt) of Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. It is based on the “novathesis*” LaTeX template (https://joaomlourenco.github.io/novathesis/). It is adapted to the current style guide for bachelor and master theses in the ISEL, as outlined in Normas de escrita e apresentação de trabalhos finais de curso (https://www.isel.pt/informacoes-academicas/normas-trabalhos-finais). This template serves both degrees as a bachelor's and master's degree. And, during the development stages of the work as final or "Preparation of BSc (MSc) dissertation".

Template Titelblatt Deckblatt Praktikum Labworks Friedrich Alexander Universität Template Vorlage für jegliches Praktikum an der FAU

Easy Colorful Design Poster

Template beamer pour labo Eric
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