overleaf skabelonsgalleriLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

The Legrand Orange Book LaTeX Template Version 2.1.1 (14/2/16) This template has been downloaded from: LaTeXTemplates.com Original author: Mathias Legrand (legrand.mathias@gmail.com) with modifications by: Vel (vel@latextemplates.com) License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Important note: Chapter heading images should have a 2:1 width:height ratio, e.g. 920px width and 460px height.

Thesis template for Linköpings universitet (LiU).

This is the official Caltech Thesis LaTeX Template for 2016, provided by Overleaf and the Caltech Library. To start writing your thesis, simply click the 'Open as Template' button above. If you have any questions before starting your thesis, it is recommended to read the Caltech Library thesis guide. This version of the template includes the Caltech logo on the title page. If you wish to remove this logo, you may do so within the template, or by starting from this version. To download this template for use offline, please click here and save the zip file to your computer. For more information on using Overleaf, and to claim your free upgrade to Overleaf Pro through the Caltech institutional license, please visit the Caltech portal on Overleaf.

This is the official Caltech Thesis LaTeX Template for 2016, provided by Overleaf and the Caltech Library. To start writing your thesis, simply click the 'Open as Template' button above. If you have any questions before starting your thesis, it is recommended to read the Caltech Library thesis guide. This version of the template includes the Caltech logo on the title page. If you wish to remove this logo, you may do so within the template, or by starting from this version. To download this template for use offline, please click here and save the zip file to your computer. For more information on using Overleaf, and to claim your free upgrade to Overleaf Pro through the Caltech institutional license, please visit the Caltech portal on Overleaf.

Version du 3 février 2013 Infos et bugs : vincent.mazet@unistra.fr

An experimental hackety hack to export HTML from LaTeX on Overleaf, using make4ht: Math is exported as MathML and will be rendered using MathJax; EPS and PDF graphics are converted to PNG; JPG and PNG graphics are used as-is; TikZ drawings are exported as SVG. This is provided 'as is' and is not officially supported by Overleaf. In this sample set-up, the HTML export will only be triggered if the project is set to compile with pdfLaTeX. It'll take longer than usual to compile your project; so probably a good idea to only add the latexmkrc file that triggers the HTML export when you're quite down with writing. You can download the generated files using the steps described here. make4ht does not work well with authblk, fontspec and possibly other packages. This is an experimental hackety hack!

Customisable calendars supporting different languages, sizes and layouts, colours and illustrations. The calendars can be marked with events with date ranges, using different markers and styles. (default, no class option): fits CD cases (11.7cm x 13.65cm) small: like a floppy disk, 9cm x 7.5cm giant: A4 paper, portrait giant,landscape: A4 paper, landscape giantsolo or giantsolo,landscape: like above, but without the mini calendars for previous/next months. Use the sundayweek document class option to make weeks start on Sundays. Localisation possible with languages supported by datetime2/translator, by specifying the language name as a document class option. For unsupported languages, use the nobabel option and make your own customisations. Or fork it on Github.

Plantilla para informes de laboratorio de orgánica I

Metropolis is originally created by Matthias Vogelgesang and is available from https://github.com/matze/mtheme as well as CTAN. More information about the theme, including the design principles, can be found at http://bloerg.net/2014/09/20/a-modern-beamer-theme.html. This version demonstrates the use of a progress bar under the frame titles. See the manual for other customisation options.
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