overleaf skabelonsgalleriLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

Version 2.0.1 por Msc. Ing. Sergio Ramón Toledo Gallardo del 10 de junio de 2015 La compilación debe realizarse utilizando el comando pdflatex o pdflatexmk (para Mac) Los programas necesarios son Miktex 2.9 (distribución latex) y algún procesador como el texmaks o texniccenter Para texnicCenter Usar makeindex y habilitar usar bibtex Al imprimir el PDF se debe seleccionar tamaño real y Elegir origen por tamaño de pagina PDF para respetar los margenes requeridos Las figuras deben cargarse en la carpeta "imagenes" en formato pdf para optimizar la velocidad de compilación, sin embargo también se permiten formatos jpg y eps. Las referencia bibliográficas se cargan en el archivo fiuna.bib

The output of this graph is used as Figure 1 of the paper: Wangyan Li, Zidong Wang, Guoliang Wei, Lifeng Ma, Jun Hu, and Derui Ding, “A Survey on Multisensor Fusion and Consensus Filtering for Sensor Networks,” Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2015, Article ID 683701, 12 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/683701. It's based on http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/hierarchical-diagram/. Relevant link: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/226461/how-to-draw-hierarchical-graph-like-this-one.

The Winnower is an open access online science publishing platform that employs open post-publication peer review. This LaTeX template provides everything you need to get started, including the winnower.cls file and an example bibliography file to help you prepare your references.

A lab template with many preloaded packages, a built in grade summary, and many custom commands for instructors.

Incluye referencias con el estilo de la IEEE, índice y anexos.

Multi-column LaTeX poster template for colleges using the beamerposter package. Designed for Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial (Senac).

Avant propos : ces exemples de fichiers ont été mis à jour grâce à l'aide précieuse de Gilbert Ritschard. Pour toute question ou remarque n'hésitez pas à nous contacter : venturini@univ-tours.fr Version 3 2008-05-21 Version 3.1 2012-11-26 Bruno Pinaud Version 3.1.1 2012-11-27 Gilles Venturini Version 3.1.2 2013-04-25 Gilles Venturini Overleaf note: Version 3.1.2 updated in Dec 2016 to fix font/input encoding compatibilty with XeLaTeX

In this sample we describe the formatting requirements for various SIGCHI related submissions and offer recommendations on writing for the worldwide SIGCHI readership. Do not change the page size or page settings. Please review this document even if you have submitted to SIGCHI conferences before, some format details have changed relative to previous years.

LaTeX Template: Curriculum Vitae Source: http://www.howtotex.com/ Feel free to distribute this template, but please keep the referal to HowToTeX.com. Date: July 2011 Version for spanish users, by dgarhdez How to use writeLaTeX: You edit the source code here on the left, and the preview on the right shows you the result within a few seconds. Bookmark this page and share the URL with your co-authors. They can edit at the same time! You can upload figures, bibliographies, custom classes and styles using the files menu. If you're new to LaTeX, the wikibook is a great place to start: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX
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