Start dine projekter med LaTeX kvalitets-skabeloner for journaler, CV’er, artikler, præsentationer, opgaver, projektrapporter og flere. Søg eller gennemse herunder.
The extended abstract template to be used by MEMEC students at IST (Technical University Lisbon)
Original Author: Andre C. Marta
Overleaf Port: Pedro Sá da Costa
Template based of the Extended Abstract of Nuno Enes
Area Cientifica de Mecanica Aplicada Aeroespacial
Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Created: Dec 2, 2011
Modified: Sept 20,2016
This is a tutorial for AguaClara team members to learn the basics of using LaTeX within Overleaf. Use this as a reference for all of the basic skills needed to write your reports.
This is a template for the class to be used when publishing in a review from the Société Mathématique de France. The repository can be found at this address.
Esta plantilla implementa la mayor parte de la Norma Técnica Colombiana NTC 1486 y de la NTC 5613.
Se aparta de la norma en el estilo de la citas, donde se prefiere utilizar el estilo de IEEE. Esto se puede cambiar facilmente al seleccionar otro estilo de bibliografía.
This is a template for preparing manuscripts for submission to the Annals of Mathematics. The original repository, with relevant documentation, can be found here.
Estas instruções fornecem as orientações básicas para a preparação de um artigo para o Seminário de Andamento do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica (PPGEE) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
The very initial version of this template was created by Sarah Gille. This current version of the template follows the guidelines in NSF GPG 15-1.
It is your responsibility to make sure that everything is in agreement with the current NSF GPG and your program solicitation. Good luck!
Queen's Thesis Format by Michelle L. Crane, Queen's University, 2003
The template is publicly available for downloading from the following link:
Michelle L. Crane
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