overleaf skabelonsgalleriLaTeX templates — Recent
LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

This template is to facilitate the faculty member of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh to create the course outline according to the new formate.

This is a draft template for Final Year Design Project Report in the BSCSE program of Department of Computer Science and Engineering of United International University, Dhaka

Plantilla para la creación de informes de proyectos o tareas con la imagen del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Soporta formato de citas y referencias en APA y IEEE. Incluye algunos ejemplos de distintas cosas que se pueden hacer con LaTeX.

Basic template for submissions to the linguistics journal Diachronica (https://benjamins.com/catalog/dia)

Template for YOFO conference

Software Requirement Specification

Copernicus Publications LaTeX Packageversion 6.8, 28 March 2022 downloaded from https://publications.copernicus.org/for_authors/manuscript_preparation.html. Authors using LaTeX to submit manuscripts to Coperninus Publications are asked to keep the following in mind: Please provide only one figure file for figures with several panels, and please do not use \subfloat or similar commands. Please use only commands in which words, numbers, etc. are within braces (e.g. \textrm{TEXT} instead of {\rm TEXT}). For algorithms, please use the syntax given in template.tex or provide your algorithm as a figure. Please do not define new commands. The most commonly used packages (\usepackage{}) are integrated in the copernicus.cls. Some other packages often used by the community are defined in template.tex. Please do not insert additional ones in your *.tex file. Spaces in labels (\label{}) are not allowed; please make sure that no label name is assigned more than once. Please do not use \paragraph{}; only \subsubsection{} is allowed. It is not possible to add tables in colour. For further assistance please contact Copernicus Publications at: production@copernicus.org https://publications.copernicus.org/for_authors/manuscript_preparation.html

This poster theme takes queues from NUST branding and using beamer as LaTeX template. The name namkeen is inspired from the famous Peshawari recipe of Mutton in the Northern Region of Pakistan. Namkeen gosht recipe is famous for its simplicity yet deliciousness. Source https://github.com/hasanalikhattak/namkeen

This template is a starting point for your NoDaLiDa'2023 paper. Enjoy!
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