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LaTeX templates for journal articles, academic papers, CVs and résumés, presentations, and more.

This template can be used to submit review responses during journal submission. Normally a journal publishing process contains multiple rounds of reviews. The responses to the reviewer comments can be written using this template in a formal and professional manner. Each and every reviewer comment can be addressed separately and clearly with this template.

This is a new version of Hipster CV ( Github repo – read up more on the initial thought with it here & here). The idea was to create a template a little less flashy than the original Hipster CV but still somehow in the same spirit of being modern and unusual. The colour themes are the same as in hipster, but this time, there is yet another version "withoutsidebar" for a version where the sidebar has no background colour (there will still be a sidebar, sorry for the confusing naming). It was also inspired by friggeri CV and twenty CV as well as the developer CV The github repo for Simple Hipster is here.

A modern simple (academic) CV template. With no colour, but a few different tabulars for visualizing your skills and cv events. The template has no colour, but adding logos to your events will still make it relatively colourful (and thus, not strictly classic, why I called it "modern"). You can play around with different fonts. The places where the changes can be made are indicated by comments. The fancy font for the name can be taken away, if you don't want it. The github repo is here: https://github.com/latex-ninja/modern-simple-cv

Cover sheet for the self-archiving of research publications, deposited in a repository for the purpose of making the work open access. The template is offered by the Charité Medical Library and is meant to be used by members of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. A Creative Commons license is not granted for this template because of the corporate design and logo. But the code can be reused, in case of questions please contact us at: openaccess@charite.de.

Template for the Interactive Sonification (ISon) workshop proceedings.

Template for MSc Dissertations in the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

The journal «Bulletin KRAESC. Physical & Mathematical Sciences» publishes the results of basic and applied research in the area of physical and mathematical sciences (mathematical modeling, mathematical physics, information and computational technologies, educational materials) including extended abstracts of doctor or candidate of science dissertations. The journal may also publish flashes, reviews, newsletters, information on scientific events, congresses, conferences, workshops, seminars and so on. The Journal was founded in August 2010, registered at the Federal Service for Compliance with the Law in Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage (Media Organization registration certificate FS 77-41501 from 04.08.2010), and re-registered (certificate FS 77-58548 from 14.07.2014). The Journal founders are the Federal State Budget Research Institution «Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University», and the Federal State Budget Research Institution «Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences». The Journal is issued in print (ISSN: 2079-6641) and online (ISSN: 2079-665X) versions four times a year in Russian and it is also translated into English, beginning in 2014 (ISSN: 2313-0156). The Journal is posted on the «Math.-Net.Ru»Russian Mathematical Portal and is indexed in Google Scholar, DOAJ, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, OCLC WorldCat, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE), DataCite, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Kyberlenika, Soсionet.

Stanford University undergraduate honors thesis style — modifications to the report style. This is unofficial and created originally for theses in the Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Modified from the 'suthesis-2e' PhD thesis style document for Stanford University PhD dissertations by Joseph Pallas and modified by Emma Pease.

This simple Resume/CV template features a large sidebar with key information about you neatly presented for quick perusal with a simple and customizable timeline. Your main skills can be quickly highlighted using progress bars with ticks ranging from novice(0) to expert(5), this is particularly useful for programming languages and other skills where time is required for mastery. The template body is then presented delimited by large colored section titles (alternating gray and blue). Inside these, you can further divide content by subsection or simply write paragraphs. Lists of achievements or timelines can be constructed using one of two environments: long lists with descriptions or short one-line lists. The template features commented code for making it into a two-page Resume/CV where the document body simply continues onto the next page and the sidebar is displayed again on the second page.
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