Start dine projekter med LaTeX kvalitets-skabeloner for journaler, CV’er, artikler, præsentationer, opgaver, projektrapporter og flere. Søg eller gennemse herunder.
This is the demonstration file of the LaTeX macro package for Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) from Springer-Verlag (downloaded 26 May, 2016).
It serves as a template for authors as well.
The package formats articles using the MLA style. The aim is that students and other academics in the humanities should be able to typeset their materials, properly, with minimal effort on their part.
Write an abstract for your report. You should make sure it depicts the general idea of what you did. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! DO NOT COPY-PASTE TEXT FROM OTHER PAPERS!
Quick and easy template to help out formatting your undergraduate thesis work.
Includes title page, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and bibtex references.
Dit bestand zorgt voor algemene (layout)definities, en groepeert de
afzonderlijke LaTeX-files tot een geheel.
"Er is ook een template beschikbaar dat gebruikt wordt bij de vakgroep Informatietechnologie."
(Downloaded from LaTeX templates en logo's)
This is a template for writing the B.Tech thesis for the National Institute of Technology, Trichy. I hope it'll be useful for, Masters and PhD students!
Template para TCC da Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Autores: Elaine Soares
Rafael Brayner
Roberto Júnior
Revisão: Eudisley Anjos
Sinta-se livre para melhorar e contribuir com esse projeto.
Elaine Soares, Rafael Brayner, Roberto Junior and Eudis Anjos
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