Quiz Template
Caleb McWhorter
Sidst opdateret:
6 år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for creating course quizzes.

Opdag hvorfor 18 millioner mennesker verden rundt stoler på Overleaf med deres arbejde.
Opdag hvorfor 18 millioner mennesker verden rundt stoler på Overleaf med deres arbejde.
% -------------------
% Packages
% -------------------
amsmath, % Math Environments
amssymb, % Extended Symbols
enumerate, % Enumerate Environments
graphicx, % Include Images
lastpage, % Reference Lastpage
multicol, % Use Multi-columns
multirow % Use Multi-rows
% -------------------
% Font
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% Heading Commands
% -------------------
\newcommand{\class}{Math 999}
\newcommand{\term}{Semester Year}
\newcommand{\instructor}{Firstname Lastname}
\noindent\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r @{\extracolsep{6pt}} l}
\textbf{#1} & \textbf{Name:} & \makebox[8cm]{\hrulefill} \\
\textbf{#2} & & \\
\textbf{\class:\; \term} & & \\
\textbf{Instructor: \instructor}
\end{tabular*} \\
\rule[2ex]{\textwidth}{2pt} %
% -------------------
% Commands
% -------------------
\newcommand{\prob}{\noindent\textbf{Problem. }}
\noindent \textbf{Problem \theproblem. }%
\noindent \textbf{Problem \theproblem.} (#1 points)\,%
% -------------------
% Header & Footer
% -------------------
% -------------------
% Content
% -------------------
\head{Quiz \#}{Week \#: MM/DD/YYYY}
\textbf{Instructions:} \par \noindent Please answer the questions below. Show all your work. Calculators are allowed as stipulated by the course syllabus. \pspace
% Question
\prob This is an unnumbered problem. \pspace
% Question 1
\problem This is a numbered problem. \vspace{1.5cm}
% Question 2
\pointproblem{5} This is the second numbered problem. \vfill
% Question 3
\problem This problem has several parts:
\item The first part.
\item The second part.
\item The third part.
\end{enumerate} \vspace{6cm}
% Question 4
\problem Compute the following integral
\int e^{-x^2} \;dx
\] \vspace{3cm}
% Question 5
\problem Explain why everyone loves Mathematics. \pspace
% Question 6
\problem Compute the integral $\ds \int \sin x^2 \;dx$. \vspace{2cm}
% Question 7
\problem In the space provided, prove the Riemann Hypothesis.