\ProvidesFile{thesis.tex}[2025-01-15 PurdueThesis thesis.tex file]
% The home page for the PurdueThesis software is
% https://engineering.purdue.edu/~mark/PurdueThesis/
% Be sure to sign up for the PurdueThesis mailing list at
% https://engineering.purdue.edu/ECN/mailman/listinfo/purduethesis-list
% so you learn of new versions of this software. You must be on that
% mailing list to receive help with this software.
% This is the template root file for an example thesis (for master's
% degree) or dissertation (for a Ph.D.). From now on "thesis" will
% refer to both of these unless stated otherwise.
% LaTeX systems include auxiliary programs to do bibliographies,
% indexes, etc. The latexmk program runs the fewest programs needed
% to update your thesis.
% On Overleaf (run LaTeX on the web) clicking 'Recompile' will recompile
% your thesis.
% Use this command on Linux to do all the steps needed to compile your thesis.
% For Mark Senn:
% Use
% latexmk -e '$biber="biber --output-safechars"' -f -g -lualatex --shell-escape thesis
% to get extra debugging information printed. Sometimes the `-f -g' can
% be deleted to run faster.
% For everyone else:
% Use
% latexmk -e '$biber="biber --output-safechars"' -f -g -lualatex thesis
% Sometimes the `-f -g' can be deleted to run faster.
% Here is how that command works:
% latexmk
% The latexmk program figures out how to compile
% your thesis in the quickest way.
% -e '$biber="biber --output-safechars"'
% Add the '--output-safechars' option to biber,
% the command that makes your references. This
% command makes accented characters in your references
% work ok.
% -f
% Force latexmk to process your entire thesis, even
% if it contains errors.
% -g
% Force latexmk to process document fully, even under situations
% where latexmk would normally decide that no changes in the
% source files have occurred since the previous run. This option
% is useful, for example, if you change some options and wish to
% reprocess the files.
% -lualatex
% The -lualatex option process your thesis using the LuaLaTeX
% version of LaTeX. LuaLaTeX has the Lua programmng language
% added to make programming LaTeX easier. You won't need to
% learn Lua or do any LaTeX programming for your thesis.
% --shell-escape
% The --shell-escape option allows you to run external programs
% from inside your thesis.
% thesis
% Process your thesis.tex file.
% To count the number of references see
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/66829/count-number-of-references-using-biblate
% See set the \labelnumberwidth see page 316 of
% https://ctan.math.illinois.edu/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf
% PROGRAM BIBLIOGRAPHY PurdueThesis.cls thesis.tex WORKS
% STYLE RCS rev RCS rev
% Mathematics apa 1.249 1.58 yes
% Mathematics ieee 1.250 1.59 yes
% Electrical and Computer Engineering ieee 1.250 1.60 yes
% Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences apa 1.251 1.61 yes
% Mathematics apa 1.252 1.62 yes
% Technology Leadership and Innovation apa 1.253 1.63 yes
% Mathematics numeric ???? ???? ????
% Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences apa ???? ???? ????
% References cited below:
% TM2017 is short for Thesis Manual 2017:
% A Manual for the Preparation of Graduate Theses,
% eighth revised edition,
% Thesis and Dissertation Office,
% Purdue University,
% 2017,
% revised August 30, 2017,
% http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/documents/thesis/graduate-thesis-manual.pdf,
% last retrieved on May, 8, 2021.
% In this file, change the example information to your information.
% author
% Put your name here.
\newcommand{\ZZauthor}{Ima Author}
% campus
% Choose a campus from the following list:
% Bloomington
% Fort Wayne
% Hammond
% Indianapolis
% Manoa don't include the macron character here,
% it will get printed automatically
% Reno
% Westville
% West Lafayette
\newcommand{\ZZcampus}{West Lafayette}
% \newcommand{\ZZcampus}{Fort Wayne}
% degree
% If you are in `Motorsports Engineering'
% use `Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering'.
% Choose a degree from the following list:
% Doctor of Audiology
% Doctor of Nursing Practice
% Doctor of Philosophy
% Doctor of Technology
% Master of Arts
% Master of Fine Arts
% Master of Library Science
% Master of Science
% Master of Science in Agriculture
% Master of Science in Aviation and Aerospace Management
% Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics
% Master of Science in Agricultural and Biological Engineering
% Master of Science in Building Construction Management
% Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
% Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
% Master of Science in Civil Engineering
% Master of Science in Education
% Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
% Master of Science in Engineering
% Master of Science in Engineering Technology
% Master of Science in Human Resources Management
% Master of Science in Industrial Engineering
% Master of Science in Industrial Technology
% Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
% Master of Science in Materials Engineering
% Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
\newcommand{\ZZdegree}{Doctor of Philosophy}
% \newcommand{\ZZdegree}{Master of Science}
% document
% Choose a document from the following list:
% A Dissertation
% A Master's Bypass Report
% A Preliminary Report
% A Thesis
% \newcommand{\ZZdocument}{A Dissertation}
\newcommand{\ZZdocument}{A Thesis}
% graduation
% Chose a month from
% May
% August
% December
% followed by a space
% then choose a year from 2020 to 2030.
\newcommand{\ZZgraduation}{May 2025}
% institution
% Choose an institution name from the following list:
% Purdue University
% University of Hawaii don't include the 'okina character here,
% it will get printed automatically
\newcommand{\ZZinstitution}{Purdue University}
% program
% Choose a program from the following list:
% If you are in `Motorsports Engineering' use `Mechanical Engineering'.
% Aeronautics and Astronautics
% Agricultural and Biological Engineering
% Agricultural Economics
% Agronomy
% American Studies
% Animal Sciences
% Anthropology
% Applied Physics
% Art and Design
% Aviation and Transportation Technology
% Basic Medical Sciences
% Biochemistry
% Biological Sciences
% Biology
% Biomedical Engineering
% Botany and Plant Pathology
% Chemical Engineering
% Chemistry
% Chemistry and Chemical Biology
% Child Development and Family Studies
% Civil and Construction Engineering
% Civil and Mechanical Engineering
% Communication
% Communications
% Comparitive Pathobiology
% Computer and Information Science
% Computer and Information Technology
% Computer Graphics Technology
% Computer Science
% Construction Management Technology
% Consumer Science
% Curriculum and Instruction
% Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
% Economics
% Educational Studies
% Electrical and Computer Engineering
% Engineering Education
% Engineering Technology
% English
% Entomology
% Food Science
% Forensic and Investigative Sciences
% Forestry and Natural Resources
% Health and Kinesiology
% Health Sciences
% History
% History and Philosophy
% Horticulture
% Hospitality and Tourism Management
% Human Development and Family Studies
% Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
% Industrial Engineering
% Interdisciplinary Biomedical Studies Program
% Interdisciplinary Studies (Comparitive Literature)
% Languages and Cultures
% Linguistics
% Management
% Materials Engineering
% Mathematical Sciences
% Mathematics
% Mechanical and Energy Engineering
% Mechanical Engineering
% Mechnical and Civil Engineering
% Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
% Nuclear Engineering
% Nursing
% Nutrition Science
% Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
% Pharmacy Practice
% Philosophy
% Philosophy and Literature
% Physics
% Physics and Astronomy
% Political Science
% Psychological Sciences
% Sociology
% Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
% Statistics
% Technology
% Technology Leadership and Innovation
% Theatre
% Veterinary Clinical Sciences
% Youth Development and Agricultural Education
\newcommand{\ZZprogram}{Electrical and Computer Engineering}
% \newcommand{\ZZprogram}{Applied Physics}
% title
% If you need to manually split the title,
% over several lines do, for example,
% \newcommand{\ZZtitle}{%
% This is the First Line\\[-6pt]
% and this is the Second Line%
% }
\newcommand{\ZZtitle}{This is the Title}
% showcolophon
% Print the ap-colophon.tex file at the end of the document?
% showdiagonalline
% Show a diagonal line from lower left to center
% of main printed part of page?
% showgridlines
% Show grid lines on main printed part of page
% Vertical and horizontal grid lines are put
% in the normal printed part of the page---this
% includes lines where the margins are.
% showmarginlines
% Show margin lines on the edge of the normal printed part of the page?
% Margin lines show where the margins are.
% false don't show marginlines
% true show marginlines
% showtimestamp
% Show, for example, a "compiled on 2021-03-02 Tuesday 17:16:24"
% timestamp in the upper right corner of page?
% false don't show timestamp
% true show timestamp
% showtodonotes
% Set things up for todonotes.
% false don't put todo notes in PDF file
% true put 0.8 inch wide todo notes in PDF file
% wide put 3.8 inch wide todo notes in PDF file, do not send
% todonotes = wide output to a printer
% Mark Senn uses an "optional-debugging-code.tex file" but does not
% distribute it. The following line won't do anything if you don't
% have an optional-debugging-code.tex file so you can leave it the
% way it is.
% The \includeonly command can be used to only include some
% files that have \include commands below. This is handy
% to only include some files so your document will LaTeX
% faster or if you're trying to narrow down where an error
% occurs. You can use
% \includeonly{ch-introduction}
% to only include ch-introduction.tex, or
% \includeonly{ch-introduction,ap-about-appendices}
% to include ch-introduction.tex and ap-about-appendices.tex.
% More files can be added---just put ',' between the names.
% Comment out the following line before submitting the
% final copy of your thesis.
% I'm not using the silence package to not print LaTeX errors
% and warnings because
% \usepackage{silence}
% caused
% [89] [90] [91] (./z.out) (./z.out^C
% ! Interruption.
% \sl@StoreMessage ...oveGobbletwo #1\sl@Terminator
% \@gobbletwo \sl@Terminator...
% l.2 \subsection{Sum of 1 to \(n\) example}
% ?
% where ^C indicates I typed a Control-C because LaTeX was 'stuck'.
% I do the following when using Overleaf. Check the icon just to the
% right of the 'Recompile' button to see how many errors/warnings there
% are. If that number goes up I look for the details of what has
% changed.
% \usepackage{silence}
%%%% \ExplSyntaxOn %%%% changed 2021-07-27 by mark
%%%% \bool_set_true:N \ZZCenterCaptionB %%%% changed 2021-07-27 by mark
%%%% \ExplSyntaxOff %%%% changed 2021-07-27 by mark
% If you are at the Hammond or Westville campus
% remove the "%" from the begining of the next line.
% PurdueThesis.cls loads the rotating package which loads the graphicx
% package. From page 12 of "Packages in the `graphics' bundle", 2021-03-05,
% retrieved 2021-06-16, at https://texdoc.org/serve/grfguide.pdf/0
% \graphicspath{<dir-list>}
% This optional declaration may be used to specify a list of
% directories in which to search for graphics files. The
% format is the same as for the LaTeX 2e primitive \input@path.
% A list of directories, each in a {} group (even if there is
% only one in the list). For example:
% \graphicspath{{eps/}{tiff/}}
% would cause the system to look in the subdirectories eps and
% tiff of the current directory. (All modern TeX systems use /
% as the directory separator, even on Windows.)
% The default setting of this path is \input@path that is:
% graphics files will be found whereever TeX files are found.
% Look in the "graphics" subfolder for graphics files.
% This is done to reduce the number of files in the main thesis folder
% so the ones in there are easier to find.
% Look in the `misc' subfolder for miscellaneous files
% PurdueThesis.cls and thesis.tex need. Look in the `packages'
% subfolder for packages. This is done to reduce the number of files
% in the main thesis folder so the ones in there are easier to find.
%%%% \seq_set_from_clist:Nn \l_file_search_path_seq {misc,packages}
% The BibLaTeX bibstyle and citestyle are chosen automatically based
% on your program (e.g., `Mathematics'). For example, if you are in
% the Mathematics program normally you are using the `numeric'
% bibstyle and citestyle.
% the `numeric-comp' (numeric compressed---instead of '[1,2,3]' use
% '[1--3]') citestyle.
% To override the bibstyle and citestyle to `apa' use
% \ZZoverridebibstyle{apa}
% To override the bibstyle to `apa'and the citestyle to `numeric-comp'
% use
% \ZZoverridebibstyle{apa}
% \ZZoverridecitestyle{numeric-comp}
% Any overrides must go before the \ConfigureBibliography.
% \DeclareSourcemap
% {
% \maps[datatype=bibtex]
% {
% % Ignore "urldate = {...}" in .bib files.
% % See the first complete example on page 201 of
% % https://mirrors.rit.edu/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf
% \map
% {
% \step[fieldset=urldate, null]
% }
% % Enter approximate (circa) dates using, for example,
% % "year = c2020" See
% % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/224617/what-is-the-correct-way-to-handle-approximate-dates-in-biblatex
% \map[overwrite=false]
% {
% \step[fieldsource=year]
% \step[fieldset=sortyear, origfieldval, final]
% \step[fieldsource=sortyear, match={c}, replace={}]
% }
% }
% }
% For \bm.
% The bm package was last updated on 2022-01-05.
% To let {\bfseries\scshape text} work as expected.
% See
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/27411/small-caps-and-bold-face
% For chemical figures.
% For typesetting cryptography pseudocode, algorithms, and protocols.
% See
% https://mirror.las.iastate.edu/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/cryptocode/cryptocode.pdf
n, % or lambda
% Define
% \VerbatimInput[options]{filename}
% \begin{VerbatimOut}{filename} ... \end{VerbatimOut}.
% So '|verbatim|' will print 'verbatim' in a typewriter font.
% If you don't want this, put a '%' before the next line.
% For \InpuutIfFileExists.
% Use OpenType fonts in LuaLaTeX.
% For nlui testing.
% For chemical equations.
% See
% https://ctan.org/pkg/mhchem?lang=en
% From the "Package documentation" linked-to document
% mhchem needs a couple of other packages.
% For instance, expl3, amsmath and calc.
% If I'm loading the package to just define a few new commands I'll indent
% two spaces right after loading the package and define the few new
% commands here. If I'm defining more than a few commands I usually do it
% after loading all the packages.
% Define "\nitrate" to be the chemical symbol for nitrate.
% Define "\pnitrate" (short for "parenthesized nitrate") to be the chemical
% symbol for nitrate surrounded by parentheses.
% "Define \vpnitrate" (short for "verbose parenthesized nitrate") to be
% the word "nitrate" followed by a space followed by the chemical symbol
% for nitrate with parentheses around it.
\newcommand{\vpnitrate}{nitrate (\nitrate)}
% For
% \cancel
% \highlight
% See
% http://ftp.math.purdue.edu/mirrors/ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/siunitx/siunitx.pdf
% pages 11--12.
% Redefine description, enumerate, and itemize lists.
% See
% https://mirrors.concertpass.com/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem/enumitem.pdf
% \usepackage{enumitem}
% \setlist[itemize]{leftmargin=7pt,rightmargin=24pt}
% This gets rid of
% [5] (./thesis.toc
% ! Undefined control sequence.
% \vbox_set:Nn ...box:D {\color_group_begin: #2\par
% \color_group_end: }
% l.32 ...}Basic Circuit Components}{31}{section.67}
% %
% ?
% and
% [6]
% ! Undefined control sequence.
% \vbox_set:Nn ...box:D {\color_group_begin: #2\par
% \color_group_end: }
% l.61 ...rline {P.1}Frenchspacing}{67}{section.445}
% %
% ?
% errors.
% See
% https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/73
% Define \setmaxprintline{number_of_columns}.
% \usepackage{hardwrap}
% Include XMP data in a PDF document.
% See
% http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/hyperxmp/hyperxmp.pdf
% for more information including all the possible fields that can be set.
pdfauthor = {Mark Senn},
pdfcopyright = {Copyright \copyright\ 2024 by Mark Senn. All rights reserved.},
% Use `yyyy-mm' format where `yyyy' is year and `mm' is month.
pdfdate = {2025-05},
pdfkeywords = {LaTeX; Purdue University; PurdueThesis},
pdflang = {en},
pdfpublisher = {Purdue University},
pdfsubject = {%
PurdueThesis is a LaTeX document class used for
master's bypass reports,
master's theses,
PhD dissertations,
and PhD preliminary reports.
This template demonstrates how to use PurdueThesis.%
pdftitle = {This is the Title},
% For `\Box'.
% Used in ap-colophon.tex.
% For indexing. Making an index is optional.
% Make these commands available:
% \index{string} put "string" in index information
% \makeindex save information to make the index
% \printindex print the index
% See
% https://ctan.org/pkg/makeidx?lang=en
% for more information.
% By default \index ignores its argument.
% This activates indexing.
% The "chapter name" for the index.
% The mathtools package
% (see http://mirror.utexas.edu/ctan/macros/latex/required/amsmath/amsmath.pdf)
% loads the amsmath package which defines the
% align
% align*
% alignat
% alignat*
% equation
% equation*
% flalign
% flalign*
% gather
% gather*
% multitaper
% multitaper*
% split
% environments and extends amsmath by defining many other commands.
% See
% https://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath
% for information about amsmath and
% http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mathtools/mathtools.pdf
% for information about mathtools.
% Define \includemedia.
% Define \begin{multicols}{number_of_columns} ... \end{multicolumns}.
% Used in ap-text.tex.
% Define \ditto.
% Define \FigureDash.
% \FigureDash is a dash the width of a digit in the current font.
% For PurdueThesis, PuTh, TeX, LaTeX, METAFONT, METAPOST, ... logos.
% Follow ISO 80000-2:2019:
% o The e, i, j, and pi constants should be in an upright font.
% o The ordinary derivative operator d should be in an upright font.
% For letter in ('e', 'i', 'j'):
% o \MathUp{letter} typesets letter in an upright font from now on.
% Use \mathit{letter} to get a math italic letter
% when Mathup{letter} is active.
% o \MathIt{letter} typesets letter in a math italic font from now on.
% Use \mathup{letter} to get an upright letter
% when MathIt{letter} is active.
% \pinumber typesets pi in an upright font from now on.
% Use \itpi to get a math italic pi when \pinumber is active.
% \pinormal typesets pi in a math italic font from now on.
% Use \text{\pi} to get an upright pi when \pinormal is active.
% Adjust these are needed for your document.
\MathUp{e} \MathUp{i} \MathUp{j} \pinumber
% Use \di for ordinary derivative operator.
% This does not depend on the pa-mismath package.
% Do more ISO 80000-2:2019 stuff.
% Follow ISO 80000-2:2019:
% o The partial derivative operator should be in an upright font.
% The pa-mismath package defines "\di" as the ordinary differential operator.
% Define "\pa" as the partial derivative operator.
% This does not depend on the pa-mismath package.
% Do more ISO 80000-2:2019 stuff.
% Follow ISO 80000-2:2019:
% o Use \mathcal{F} for the Fourier transform.
% This does not depend on the pa-mismath package.
% Do more ISO 80000-2:2019 stuff.
% Follow ISO 80000-2:2019:
% o Use \mathcal{L} for the Laplace transform.
% Define \MyRepeat{what}{repeat}.
% Do "what" "repeat" number of times.
% Define \FloatBarrier.
% \FloatBarrier process all unproccesed floats (tables, figures, etc.).
% Define \hl.
% Undefine \st so soul will load without an error.
% I hope \st wasn't used for something important!
% Define \textcent.
% !!! This doesn't work yet, figure it out later.
% For \textprimstress.
% \usepackage{tipa}
% Needed for chapter "Graphics", section "TikZ and PGF".
% Needed to customize arrows.
% For electrical diagrams.
% Uses the TikZ package.
% The circuitikz name is short for "circuit TikZ".
% Needed for 3D TikZ stuff.
% Needed for pa-typographic-conventions package.
% Needed for putting text along a path.
% Draw TikZ decorations.
% Needed for at least the Kalman filter system model graphic.
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing} % noisy shapes
% Fit shapes to coordinates.
% Needed for at least the Kalman filter system model graphic.
% Draw the background after the foreground.
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} % drawing the background after the foreground
% Needed for the Feynman diagram in ap-physics.tex. Tikz-feynman
% requires LuaLaTeX instead of pdflatex be run. LuaLaTeX screws up
% the horizontal position of the list of figures---this is a known bug.
% The Thesis Office accepts theses with this problem.
% The vertical space between a table heading and the table contents
% in a tabular environment.
% For \sfrac, used to do slanted fractions, similar to, e.g., 1/2,
% but 1 is small and high and 2 is small and low.
% Define \I.
% \I1 does \indent once, \I2 does \indent twice, etc.
% Define \MyI.
% Typeset my input.
firstnumber = 1,
numbers = left,
xleftmargin = 0.33in,
% Define \MyIO.
% Typeset my input and output.
% The input will all be on the same page.
% The output may be split over multiple pages.
firstnumber = 1,
numbers = left,
xleftmargin = 0.33in,
% Define \MyIOS.
% Typeset my input and output.
% The input may be split over multiple pages.
% The output may be split over multiple pages.
% This doesn't work right:
% o Putting a \vbox around the input and output
% does not allow todoindex entries to be listed.
% o Using \vfilneg at beginning and end of definition
% screws up vertical spacing.
% \newcommand{\MyIOS}
% {%
% \input{z.out}
% {%
% \fontsize{8}{10}\tt
% \VerbatimInput
% [
% firstnumber = 1,
% numbers = left,
% xleftmargin = 0.33in,
% ]{z.out}%
% }
% }
% Define \MyIOT.
% Typset my input and output together on the same page.
% This doesn't work right:
% o Putting a \vbox around the input and output
% does not allow todoindex entries to be listed.
% o Using \vfilneg at beginning and end of definition
% screws up vertical spacing.
% \def\MyIOT
% {%
% \vfilneg
% % \vbox
% {%
% \input{z.out}%
% \fontsize{8}{10}\tt
% \VerbatimInput[
% firstnumber = 1,
% numbers = left,
% xleftmargin = 0.33in,
% ]{z.out}%
% }%
% \FloatBarrier
% \vfilneg
% }
% Define \NL (newline) so LaTeX goes to the next output line.
% Just doing \\ complains
% ! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.
% \mbox{} is an empty math box.
% In this document I use in-line tables a lot.
% These are tables that are put in the document
% where I want them to appear and they don't
% use \begin{table} ... \end{table}
% Print a list of files used and their version numbers in the log file.
% \def\bibindent{0em}
% Customize the bibliography.
% \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{
% urlfrom = {URLFROM},
% urlseen = {URLSEEN}
% }
% For typographical conventions stuff including
% \Emph{...}
% \FirstUsed{...}
% \Keys{...}
% \Literal{...}
% \Menu{...}
% \Place{...}
% \Shell{...}
% This must be after
% \usepackage{tikz}
% For the \begin{example} ... \end{example} environment
% used in ap-linguistics.tex.
% "CTAN---Comprehensive" did not get hyphenated and extended
% into the right margin when using BibLaTeX and the apa style.
% These did not change it:
% \hyphenation{Com-pre-hen-sive}
% \hyphenation{CTAN---Com-pre-hen-sive}
% I changed publisher = {CTAN---Comprehensive TeX Archive Network},
% to publisher = {CTAN---Com\-pre\-hen\-sive TeX Archive Network},
% in my all-biblatex.bib file and it worked as expeceted.
% If you need to change the hyphenation points of a word in the text
% you can do, for example,
% \hyphenation{ve-ry-od-dly-hy-phen-at-ed}
% \renewbibmacro*{date}
% {%
% \iffieldundef{year}
% % {\DeclareFieldFormat{date}{...}}
% % {\printtext{xxx}}
% % {\DeclareFieldFormat{date}{\printtext{zzz}}}
% % {}
% {xxx \printdate yyy}
% {xxx \printdate yyy}
% }
% AtEveryBibitem{% Clean up the bibtex rather than editing it
% \ifentrytype{software}
% {}
% {\clearfield{urlyear}\clearfield{urlmonth}\clearfield{urlday}}}%
%%%% \renewcommand{\chaptername}{CHAPTER}
\def\@@makechapterhead#1{\uppercase{\@chapapp~\thechapter. #1}}
% Define front matter
% dedication
% acknowledgments
% preface
% table of contents
% list of tables
% list of figures
% list of symbols
% abbreviations
% nomenclature
% glossary
% abstract
% Put chapter \include commands here.
% 'Important---Read This First' chapter.
% Introductions may precede the first chapters or major divisions of theses.
% Reference: TM2017, page 31.
% Summary and/or conclusions are optional but often used.
% The summary and/or conclusions often are the last
% the last major division(s) of the text.
% Reference: TM2017 page 32.
% Recommendations are optional.
% You may include recommendations as a major division if your
% subject matter and research dictate.
% Reference: TM2017 page 32.
% Test \begin{chapteracknowledgement}...\end{chapteracknowledgement}, etc.
%%%% \include{ch-test-miscellaneous}
% Test per-chapter references.
%%%% \include{ch-test-per-chapter-references}
\makeatletter % commented out on 2022-01-26
\setlength{\bibhang}{1in} %%%%% was 0pt
\setlength{\itemindent}{1in}% -\leftmargin} %%%%% was 0pt
\setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt}% .22in} % 0.42in}
\makeatother % commented out on 2022-01-26
% \immediate\setlength{\labelnumberwidth}{1.5in} %%%%% was commented out
% Make _ in URLs visible.
% \def\t{\char'137}%
\def*{\char'137}% \char'137 is _
% Appendices are optional. Not all theses contain appendices.
% An appendix is used for supplementary illustrative material,
% original data, computer programs, and other material that is not
% necessarily appropriate for inclusion within the text of your
% thesis.
% Reference: TM2017 page 33.
% Use ``\appendix'' for one appendix or ``\appendices'' for more than
% one appendix.
% My filename conventions:
% ap- appendices
% ch- chapters
% gr- graphics
% pa- packages
% z temporary files
% "About Appendices" appendix.
% Accessibility.
% "Bugs" appendix.
% Check margins.
% Demonstrate how to do separate appendices per chapter.
% Citations and references.
% Common mistakes.
% Defining commands.
% Deprecated software.
% Figures.
% Frequently Asked Questions.
% Graphics.
% How to debug LaTeX Problems.
% Ignore these references.
% Logos.
% Numbers and Units.
% Resources.
% Tables.
% Special characters.
% Testing.
% Text.
% Video.
% \include{ap-video}
% Astronomy.
% Biology.
% Chemistry.
% Computer Science.
% Electrical Engineering.
% Linguistics.
% Mathematics.
% Music.
% Physics.
% Notes and footnotes are optional.
% Reference: TM2017 page 34.
% I have not implemented this yet. Mark Senn 2002-06-03
% A vita is optional for masters theses
% and required for doctoral dissertations.
% Reference: TM2017 page 13.
% Listing or including publications(s) is optional.
% \include{ap-publications}
% \includepdf[scale=0.9, pages=1]{ztemp-sgopalsa-paper.pdf}
% \includepdf[offset=-1.5truein 0.25truein, scale=0.9, pages=1]{ztemp-sgopalsa-paper.pdf}
% \includepdf[offset=-1.5truein 0.2truein, scale=0.9, pages=2]{ztemp-sgopalsa-paper.pdf}
% \includepdf[offset=-1.5truein 0.2truein, scale=0.9, pages=3]{ztemp-sgopalsa-paper.pdf}
% \includepdf[offset=-1.5truein 0.2truein, scale=0.9, pages=4]{ztemp-sgopalsa-paper.pdf}
% \includepdf[offset=-1.5truein 0.2truein, scale=0.9, pages=5]{ztemp-sgopalsa-paper.pdf}
% \includepdf[offset=-1.5truein 0.2truein, scale=0.9, pages=6]{ztemp-sgopalsa-paper.pdf}
% \includepdf[offset=-1.5truein 0.2truein, scale=0.9, pages=7]{ztemp-sgopalsa-paper.pdf}
% Print the index.
% The index is optional.
% If \ZZshowcolophon is true, print the colophon.
% LaTeX won't read after the \end{document} command.
% You can put notes to yourself or LaTeX input not
% ready for use after "\end{document}" if you'd like.