Presentation UCC
Arnold Julián Herrera
Sidst opdateret
7 år siden
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Document made by Arnold Herrera
System Engineering Student
Universidad Católica de Colombia
Document made by Arnold Herrera
System Engineering Student
Universidad Católica de Colombia
%Document made by Arnold Herrera
%Systemn Engineering Student
%Universidad Católica de Colombia
%-----Title,authors,addressed to:..------------
\title[Topic]{Title and topic}
\author[if you want put here who aro you going to present or the name organization]
{author 1 \texttt{} \\author 2 \texttt{}\\}
%--------Logo from the slides at the bottom right
%------------Menú en la parte superior de la diapositiva(linkeado)
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%%%-------------BEGIN DOCUMENT--------%%%%%
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{[default]{}}%navegaton bar
%If we want the parts that have not yet appeared in our sequence to appear transparently, in the preamble we add:
%----------- End Index
Introduccion aca
%-----end Introduction
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\section{text here}
\begin{frame}{text here}
text here
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\section{text here}
\begin{frame}{text here}
text here
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\section{text here}
\begin{frame}{text here}
text here
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%---begin section-------
\section{text here}
\begin{frame}{text here}
text here
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%---begin section-------
\section{text here}
\begin{frame}{text here}
text here
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%---begin section-------
\section{text here}
\begin{frame}{text here}
text here
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%---begin subsection----
\subsection{text here}
text here
%end subsection
%---begin section-------
\section{text here}
\begin{frame}{text here}
text here
%---end section----
%---begin subsection----
\subsection{text here}
text here
%end subsection
%-------------- Begin references
\item $1^{st}$ reference
%------End references-----