Omar's Resume
Omar Macias
Sidst opdateret
et år siden
Other (as stated in the work)
A simple and personalized resume template based with Jake's Resume.
Published under the MIT License
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%CV Sections inspired by:
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\color[HTML]{1C033C} \Huge{Omar Macias} \\[6pt]
\textcolor[HTML]{371e77}{\underline{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faEnvelope}}} $|$}
\textcolor[HTML]{371e77}{\underline{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faEnvelope}}} $|$}
\textcolor[HTML]{371e77}{\href{tel:+525513219900}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faMobile} +52 (00) 1234-5678}}
\textcolor[HTML]{371e77}{\underline{\href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}{\faGithub}}} $|$}
% Education
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM)} & \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} Expected graduation date: Jun. 2025 \\
\color[HTML]{371e77} B.S. in Computer Science and Technology $|$ {\uline{\href{}{Link to all courses}}} & \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{\textbf{GPA: X/100}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{Relevant Courses: Web Software Construction (JavaScript), Maths and Data Science (Python), OOP (C++), \newline \hspace*{16ex} Security in Software Systems (Swift \& Python), Algorithms and Data Structures I and II (C++)}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\textbf{\uline{\href{}{Meta \& Major League Hacking}}} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} Oct. 2023 - Present \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Software Engineer Fellow}}\ \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Python, Flask, Git, GitHub} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Contributing to Meta's AudioCraft, a Generative AI project focused on processing, generation, and autocompletion.
\item Creating a Python command-line interface extension with text and audio input validation, to facilitate high-fidelity audio generation for sounds and music.
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{\uline{\href{}{Meta \& Major League Hacking}}} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} Jun. 2023 - Sep. 2023 \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Site Reliability Engineer Fellow}}\ \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Python, Bash, MySQL, Flask, HTML, Git, GitHub, Docker, Linux} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Developed a website on Flask with Jinja, MySQL and a professional Git/GitHub workflow.
\item Automated CI/CD pipelines for unit and integration testing, as well as the deployment the web app, database and Nginx using Docker Compose, GitHub Actions and scripting.
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{Universal Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd.} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} Mar. 2023 - Jun. 2023 \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Software Engineering Intern}} \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{PHP, JavaScript, SQL Server, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Handled overtime requests and approvals for 2,000+ employees by developing internal back-end systems with PHP.
\item Displayed graphs and logs in web interfaces of 6,000+ monthly requests using HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.
\item Reduced reports loading times from 10 to 3 seconds, enhancing SQL queries by up to 60\%.
% Projects
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{\uline{\href{}{MySpoti}}} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} Jul. 2023 - Ongoing \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Personalized Spotify tops and insights web application }} \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Python, JavaScript, HTML, Flask, Bootstrap, Git} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Showcasing user's Spotify top tracks, insights and listening history through visualizations in HTML.
\item Integrating Spotify's OAuth2, API scopes and endpoints to access user user's data for further process with Flask.
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{\uline{\href{}{AIWay}}} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} Sep. 2022 \\[4pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{HACKMTY project to create reports and represent them on a map}} \hfill \color[HTML]{4B28A4} \textit{Python, JavaScript, HTML, Django, Git} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Developed a real-time traffic and security alert visualization crowdsourced web page using Google Maps API, featuring heat maps for data representation.
\item Led the back-end team using Python and Django to build a WhatsApp bot with Twilio. The bot proccessed user reports with OpenAI's GPT-3 API for classification of relevant information.
% Leadership and Volunteering
\section{Leadership and Volunteering}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
\color[HTML]{1C033C} \textbf{Club de Algoritmia GDA} \hfill \color[HTML]{371e77} Jun. 2023 - Ongoing \\[5pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77}\textbf{\textit{Board of Directors}} \\[5pt]
\begin{itemize}[nosep,after=\strut, leftmargin=2em, itemsep=2pt]
\item Guiding a community of 550+ CS students in their professional development, technical skills and interest in tech.
\item Orchestrating workshops, coding sessions, and events to enhance skills and encourage continuous learning.
\color[HTML]{1C033C}\textbf{Languages:} \\[2pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77} \hspace*{4ex} Python, PHP, C++, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, Bash, Go\\[3pt]
\color[HTML]{1C033C}\textbf{Technologies \& Tools:} \\[2pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77} \hspace*{4ex} Flask, Django, Git, Linux, Docker, CI/CD\\[3pt]
\color[HTML]{1C033C}\textbf{Certifications:} \\[2pt]
\color[HTML]{371e77} \hspace*{4ex} \uline{\href{}{Microsoft SC-900 Certified: Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals}}.