Mines Beamer Conference Template
Michael Le
Sidst opdateret
4 måneder siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Feel free to edit it as needed. Not official or licensed by the Colorado School of Mines
\title{My Fancy Presentation Title}
\subtitle{Conference Name}
\author[Michael Le]{Michael Le \and Other Author}
\date{\today} % or whatever the date you are presenting in is
\institute[Colorado School of Mines]{Department of Electrical Engineering}
% \copyrightnotice{Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission}
\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\item Use
\item Figures,
\item Do
\item Not
\item Use
\item Bullet
\item Points
\begin{frame}{Use meaningful titles that actually provide information}
\caption{Fancy Thing from \textit{Source et al.}}
\item Some
\item Interesting
\item Points
\section{A Section}
\begin{frame}{Make your presentation interactive}
\begin{cublock}[What about a question to the audience?]
\only<2->{Followed by the answer.}
% Q&A
\Huge\textsc{Thank You}
\begin{frame}{Backup slides go here}